As I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, my SO and I were going through a rough time. However, things are finally calming down and we've both realized that we learned a lot from our struggle and that even though it was difficult to get through it, it was for the best because our relationship is that much stronger because of it. 
I had spring break this past week and went to Florida with my parents for most of the break. I only saw my SO for 2 days, but they were a wonderful 2 days! We talked about a lot of things that needed to be discussed and we able to get out and do many of the things we love to do.
One of the things we talked about is what the next few years might look like for us. My SO will be done with school 2 years from now and I still have 3 and a half to go. Now, when we first became LD we talked about the possibility of him moving up to the town where I go to school once he finishes his education. He never gave me an answer then, and frankly, never seemed that enthused about the idea, so we agreed that we wouldn't do that and we would just be LD until I was done with school.
However, I took a chance and brought up this idea again (I had been thinking about it a lot) when I was with him during those two days and was happily surprised to find that his opinion has completely changed!
We talked extensively about it and he said he was going to about it again, but that he thought that it would be a good idea. A few days later, he called me and told me he has decided that if he can find a decent apartment and a job in my town that he will move up when he is done with school. He said he's very sure about his decision. His only request is that I need to determine if him moving up here is really what I want and if being with him is really what I want: wanting to be with him is one of the things I am the most sure about in my life right now. We've been together for a little over 2 years now and they have been anything but perfect (a lot of personal and family struggles), but he's been there for me and constant through it all.
He could be here as early as in the next 2 years!!
(We thought we would have to wait at least 4 or 5 years before we were close distance)
I realize that a lot can happen in 2 years and that there are a lot of variables to this situation, but I'm allowed to be excited about this, right?

I had spring break this past week and went to Florida with my parents for most of the break. I only saw my SO for 2 days, but they were a wonderful 2 days! We talked about a lot of things that needed to be discussed and we able to get out and do many of the things we love to do.
One of the things we talked about is what the next few years might look like for us. My SO will be done with school 2 years from now and I still have 3 and a half to go. Now, when we first became LD we talked about the possibility of him moving up to the town where I go to school once he finishes his education. He never gave me an answer then, and frankly, never seemed that enthused about the idea, so we agreed that we wouldn't do that and we would just be LD until I was done with school.
However, I took a chance and brought up this idea again (I had been thinking about it a lot) when I was with him during those two days and was happily surprised to find that his opinion has completely changed!

He could be here as early as in the next 2 years!!

I realize that a lot can happen in 2 years and that there are a lot of variables to this situation, but I'm allowed to be excited about this, right?