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How Could her

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    How Could her

    Finally i came to know that she been play fooled with me. Again, she betrayed me with someone who is her a colleague in China. Few days ago she just came back from China and i was thought that everything will be okay. We have been broke up. She leaved me 2 times because of her family problem. And now we had talked and agree to work it out again but seems now everything become messed. I know her email password and she's the same. I open only once til today morning. I don't know what brings me to see the TRASH FOLDER.
    I saw an email from CHOON and i'm curious. So i open. I'm really shocking and my heart beat so fast. I can't breath. She played behind me. Is she really working there at China or what?
    I won't know all this while. I can't accept it anymore. She been betrayed me twice.
    I want to step back. I don't wanna continue this relations with her.
    Is this a right decision?
    Please i need your advise

    awwww I am so sorry to hear this. Cheating is hard. Everyone is different, some people will forgive cheating and other people won't . I won't forgive cheating..that is the one thing that is so hard to handle. I would leave..she is only going to be hurting you, in the long run


      once a cheater always a cheater. they never change, you did the right thing by breaking up with her. anything else in a relationship is fixable except cheating.


        im sorry to disagree with you there...yes, cheating is hard but i am a very forgiving person and i would at least talk to my bf about it and maybe find out that theres been something wrong im our relationship? I know many couples as well in my family as friends who managed to work stuff like this out. I personally think that trust can be regained and i wouldnt ever give up on the person that i love just cos they made a mistake. Everyone deserves a second chance. If it was for than just a mistake, and theres more to it than just sex i would definitely break up, but apart from that i think that staying together even when things get rough makes a couple a lot stronger. I mean my bf has made out with some other girl once he was really very drunk and he didnt even tell me about, a friend of his kinda made him by saying "did he tell you what he did last week?" so yeah, still i forgave him cos i know he loves me and this has brought us most definitely even closer.


          I have to relate more to Maja. But, every relationship and situation is different. Especially in long distance. Some couples have agreements & rules as to how far the boundaries are pushed. Some people although in love with someone far, far away don't know how to cope without the physical affection.. it's all very complicated and different for each person and each situation. If you want to give up, then that's your choice and you should do so.


            yeah its really hard to accept it specially if you love her so much. but just please try to move on. I am sure that there is better woman that is worthy for your love.
            she cheated you twice, well thats a hard experienced that you must have to learned from it. just keep moving on. time can heal.



              I agree that every situation is different and needs to be treated individually. Personally, I don't think I could forgive cheating (or perhaps I could forgive it, but I couldn't continue living with the person because I'd be over-the-top controlling and jealous and couldn't forget it). I don't think my husband would forgive it, either.
              Some people deserve a second chance, but it seems your gf has had her second chance and obviously, she blew it, so you have to draw a line somewhere or she'll just keep on messing around behind your back. All the best for the future!

