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So this is my first post!

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    So this is my first post!

    Ello. I was kind of debating joining one of these sites. At first I thought it was a little korny but then I realized I just might need some support and stuff after all. SO anyways... . My name is Kayla. My boyfriend & I are over 4,000 miles apart. I am almost 19 (next month) and he will be 22 in August. I live around Tampa, FL, USA and he lives in Mechelen, Belgium. We met on a dating site called OKCupid.Com. I was kind of on there to meet friends cause I don't really get out that much. I met a few people on there...and talked to quite a few but all of them ended up being TOTALLY weird...I mean WEIRD lol...there was always a catch. I deleted or disabled my account many times before, but for some reason I kept going back to that stupid site. I'm not sure why. I just didn't want to give up. When I was browsing one night, not sure when, in January I know, I came across this guys profile and he was really cute and his name was Dieter. On this particular site you can see who visits your profile. I visited his obviously butttttt....I didn't say anything. He replied about 2 days later and said "You visited my profile without saying anything? " and that's how it all started. Honestly, I thought he was way to cute for me so I just skipped over it. On the same day we started talking we exchanged Skype contact info. He didn't own a webcam at the time (he never did) but I had one so he just turned on his mic and I turned on my cam and mic and we talked like that for about 3 days and he finally got a webcam from the store. He still says he can't believe he went and bought one just for a girl and that he never expected any of this to happen. I guess our life stories are too long to write out and I know no one wants to read that much but I'll just say this. I never talked to someone who I liked so much without even meeting them. We really balance each other out. I am a little more on the negative side. I tend to worry and over think things...a lot. He is a lot more calm, reasonable, understanding, patient, and positive. I really feel like he helps me become a better person.
    After about 2-3 months of talking, we started seriously talking about meeting each other. Since I don't have a job or anything right now he was so sweet and offered to spend all his savings on coming to meet me. He FINALLY booked a package in March and he will be here April 3rd 2012. We are staying together for 7 days in a decent hotel. He booked a rental car as well AND his family gave him money to spend since it's his first time in America or whatever. I can't believe how supportive they have been through all of this and it's amazing. He has even offered to pay my way to come to Belgium in the summer for a few weeks (or maybe even a few months) if I can't find the money by then. Honestly, this is all just a blessing. Without his help and his family's help, none of this would be possible and I am EVER SO GRATEFUL.
    Last edited by KaylaCelestial; March 29, 2012, 05:34 PM.

    Welcome to LFAD! Your story seems great!! Awww you finally will get to meet him. Good luck! <3


      Aww such a sweet story!! My boyfriend and I met online and are about the same distance apart too. That's so exciting you get to meet in person soon!! I hope you have an awesome time!! And welcome to LFAD, I hope you enjoy yourself here!


        Welcome here, and I hope everything goers perfectly in your first meeting!!!
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Welcome to LFAD! Good luck with your first meeting, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time


            Welcome to LFAD! I was hesitant about joining at first too, but I'm glad I did. I am grateful for my new friends who can give me their perspective and are going through (or have gone through) a LDR as well. (Most of my friends are not/never have been in a LDR)

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
            Progress: Working on it.


              Welcome! We're glad to have you! How exciting to be meeting for the first time!!!


                Everything is great through Skype but of course I'm a little nervous about meeting in person. Because of all those other people I met in person (that turned out to be disasters) I'm scared something might go wrong. I hope not though. I'm trying to hope for the best. I think my nerves are just getting to me. Cold feet


                  I know how you feel - I'm meeting my SO for the first time in April and while I'm very, VERY excited...I'm starting to get a little nervous. I mean, I don't see any reason for our first meeting to be a disaster, I just hope I'm everything he's expected and imagined! And visa versa, of course.
                  "She is motivated by love. The world moves for love - it kneels before it in awe."


                    Welcome! I hope everything goes amazing!

                    I see you're from Tampa/Plant City, FL. I go to the University of South Florida so you're near me! But I live half of the year in NJ.

                    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                      Originally posted by floridaellen View Post
                      Welcome! I hope everything goes amazing!

                      I see you're from Tampa/Plant City, FL. I go to the University of South Florida so you're near me! But I live half of the year in NJ.
                      Yeah that's like 20 minutes from my house. Hihi

                      But yeah I am pretty nervous. I mean everything is great on Skype and I can't wait to see him but sometimes I start thinking like "what if it's awkward and the connection isn't there? But it has to be right?"

                      I have less than 24 hours before it turns 12:00AM April 3rd. His plane lands at 6:30pm April 3rd. So it's getting pretty close now.


                        Welcome, welcome! IŽm sure youŽll find all the support you need from the lovely people on here ^.^

                        "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                        -Miguel De Cervantes

                        Read our story HERE

