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do you ever get jealous of your so?

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    do you ever get jealous of your so?

    not jealous in the "I think your cheating (or considering it)", but

    I have an 8 yo. His dad takes him maybe once a week on a good week. SO has an 8 yo, but he only gets her every other weekend and 1 afternoon/evening durring the week.

    So tonite he tells me he is going out with the boys to watch the final four and drink some beers. Not to get drunk, cuz he works tomorrow, but just to relax. he works his ass off - he works pt as a police officer and full time as a paramedic/firefighter. Plus he is working on his masters to get his Nurse Practitioner degree. He certainly deserves to go out and relax once in a while.

    I guess sometimes I wish I had the same opportunity. I cant afford to hire a bbsitter to go hang out with friends at nite and I wont drink if I have him with me.

    So do you ever envy your so's lifestyle?
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

    A little for a bit, I guess. My SO never really wanted for anything growing up and (until this month) hadn't had to deal with any major family tragedy whereas my family has had several years of living paycheck to paycheck and at least 3 funerals a year for about 5 years in a row.
    I used to get more jealous that money was never an issue for his family, but my dad got a new job that pays twice as much and my SO is working on becoming financially independent. Also his grandmother just passed away from ovarian cancer. So I don't really get jealous anymore.


      I sometimes get jealous because my SO is a huge social butterfly and making friends (and keeping them) is always so easy for him where it's not so easy for me to do. Especially when he gets invited tons of places and I don't have any plans. It's okay though because I know that if I was surrounded by people all the time, I'd go crazy.

      Even if you do get jealous of things, there's always a different side. Like I bet if you didn't always have your son, you'd enjoy it at first but then miss him like crazy. I don't think there's anything wrong with being jealous of certain things though.

