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What do you admire most about your SO/spouse?

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    I admire my husbands positivity - that he pretty much lets nothing get him down and he always has a smile to show.
    I also admire his big heart - if he loves you, he would pretty much do anything to make you happy, including putting his own needs aside.


      I admire my boyfriend's determination to get out of his bad financial/familial situation. His parents are nice people and he's close to them but they have no concept of money and that has put him and his family in a bad situation. I won't really go into it further but I admire his determination to go to college, to advance in his current job, and to never go into debt.

      I also admire his ability to cook but that's not as important.

      Most importantly though, I admire the way he has accepted and come to love my handicapped brother. Some people act like my brother isn't a real person but my SO completely accepts his disability and interacts with him appropriately. Sometimes my SO even babysits him. My brother loves him to death and he loves my brother back. If that wasn't the case, my SO and I would have broken up a long time ago.

      Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
      Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
      Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
      Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
      Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


        I admire my SO's heart, he's always willing to help people in need even if he has nothing to spare, always lends a shoulder to lean on and is always a true friend.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          What I admire the most about him is the fact that he had the will to get himself out of a dead end road. He inspires me. I admire how close he is to his mom and how he talks about her and last but not least, I admire the way he has analyzed and learned from the mistakes made by people close to him so now he knows the kind of man, lover and father he wants to be

          “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


            I admire the amount of love that he has to give. I admire how kind he is and how generous and helpful he is. I always say he is Golden-hearted. And I admire his determination and his intelligence, and his ability to over look and not care about what negative things people say for him. I especially admire his ability to stand up for himself and to be so honest and forward all the time. Those are the things that I admire the MOST about him.


              She has such a carefree, go-for-it attitude towards life! Things that drive me nuts don't phase her at all.

              And she will always try her best.


                Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                He is an amazing father. Maybe to some of the younger members around here that seems an odd thing to admire, but trust me it's one of the best qualities a guy can have
                I second that! Nothing warms my heart more than a man who devotes his time to his (Biologically or not) children.

                I admire his social conscience, his compassion. He's so devoted to the people (animals) he loves it's breath-taking but he's no pushover. He stands up for what he believes in regardless of the trouble it may get him in.
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  I admire his passion of life and music.
                  He went through a lot yet he still stands.
                  He had a very good heart and he is so sweet to me.
                  LDR is so rough and I admire that he won't let go no matter what and he does all he can to make sure I sleep every night knowing that he will be soon here to stay.
                  ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                    I admire how intelligent and accomplished he is. He has two master's degrees and is working his butt off for his PhD. I also admire how dedicated he is to said PhD, and is so close to finishing despite really immature office politics bullshit and advisors who treat him like crap.


                      I admire how dedicated he was to graduate highschool, even if he is 20 and lots of people made fun of him for it.
                      I admire how he is always there for me and his friends/family. He is the most sweetest guy in the world.


                        I admire my SO's faith. He has always had a relationship with God, I have not. So when I have questions or doubts, I know that I can turn to him with my issues. I also admire his musical ability. He's a fantastic singer (he doesn't believe me) and he's amazing at piano (doesn't believe me there, either.) I absolutely love listening to him play/sing. One day he's gonna try to teach me how to play piano, haha!

                        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                        Progress: Complete!

                        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                        Progress: Working on it.


                          His patience is the #1 thing, for sure!


                            i admire him for loving my son like his own. his dad left when i was 7 months pregnant and ive been alone since then. aidens now 3 and has the most amazing role model and father like figure i couldve asked for. it was alot to take on a single mom with no desire to trust & date but to take that on AND a toddler at 24? im so blessed to have him in our lives. i couldnt have asked for a better partner in this crazy game!


                              Where to start on that one, my husband to be is very selfless, to a fault really, he doesn’t think about himself first ever, but others. He knows who he is and what he stands for and will not back down when he feels he’s right. When he hurts others it literally pains him..just can’t get enough of how amazing he is.


                                I admire his patience, ambition and strong will. He is going in college and working full time. He's always patient with me even when I am angry with him and being completely unreasonable.

                                I also admire the connection he has with his family. He is very close to his family and when I asked him "what is the most important thing in your life to you?" he told me it's his family.

