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Random memories from past visits...

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    Random memories from past visits...

    It's been about 3 days since we last parted and throughout the course of it all, random memories of our visit together are starting to pop up. I've noticed I've been getting a lot more confident about myself because of him. Still, those ugly insecurities creep up every now and then.

    Our last night together, my love, his brother and I went to a pub for a few drinks. I got a bit buzzed, therefore elevating my insecurity. Here's how I see it, this man is so incredibly beautiful, and I'm well...fat. And that night I kept seeing all these thin girls and asking Tim if he thought they were pretty. He'd look at me confused and after the third girl in question, he said, "So you're associating thin with beauty?" I nodded. And he shook his head no.

    Throughout the night I kept catching him staring at me. It was the kind of stare that sent my stomach in a flip. He would smile, blow a kiss and I would lean into him. That look he gave me is engraved in my brain...just thinking about it gives me tingles.

    Any random memories that you'd like to share?

    Met: November 19, 2010
    Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
    Made it official: April 29, 2011
    Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
    Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
    Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
    K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
    Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
    Got married: September 22, 2012

    The movie Breakaway was on TV in Canada the other night. It was the movie my SO and I watched while i was there in september.

    The movie was terrible (bollywood/romantic comedy/hockey) and we only went because his mom was given free tickets and didnt want to waste them. We went and sat in a bar to kill time for abit before the movie started and It reminded us of the guy sitting a few seats away with a really nasty smelling Taco Bell that had us both holding our noises for awhile.
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      First visit - Him chopping up Midol for me because it was too big. Being scared of going under a tunnel. Eating at Wendy's. Eating at Chili's. Going into GameStop with him. Going for walks every day with him. Playing Candy Land with him.

      Second visit - We took a bath together, I got out, and he like instantly farted. I swear, almost every memory I have with him is in regards to gas somehow lol. But, it gets better. I was in bed waiting for him to get out and he was just talking to himself in the bath tub. It reminded me of the episode of Friends where Monica makes a bath for Chandler. There was this guy who walked past us one night and said "How are you two young lovebirds doing? I'm delivering beer to a divorced woman. Trust me. This is heavy!". We went to Pizza Hut one night and there was a little boy who couldn't have been about six years old, maybe younger who was getting flirtatious with the twelve-or-so year old girl sitting at this family party. First, he started screaming really loud but then, he started talking to this girl and saying, "I think we went a little too far last night." I was like, "WHAT?!" in my head. The other little boy with him said, "Are you going to make out with her?" He said "YES." and she's all "Wake me when it's over." and he's saying, "Oh yeah, well I'm spending the night at your house Saturday night..." and she moves and he says, "BUT I STILL LOVE YOU." We went to this lake and he saw ducks he wanted to feed, he found pretzels on the ground (ewww) and tried to feed it to them and then I saw some dead animal and it freaked us both out. He thought it was a duck at first, but then we realized it was like some foreign creature the more we looked. I felt bad for it. He wore my shoes because my feet were hurting and he gave me his. We went into this 1950'sish restaurant and shared a root beer float and it was hard as hell for him to get a picture of us sharing it because I was so shy. We went into Gaming Generations and the guy that was working there told some dude, "Hey can't come into here if you aren't gonna buy anything, because after last time, it's kind of awkward."

      One day, he took me to work with him. I sat in the book aisle and read books. On his break, he was like, "Excuse me, ma'am but we're going to have to ask that you leave the premises." and it freaked me out lol. He got me good. Then, the thing with the hands of me taking a picture of us holding hands right after he drew a picture of us holding hands and I hadn't even seen it

      Walking at night, in freezing cold rain, holding each other's hands and making them warm. Him telling me there were worms in the puddles of rain and me screaming (I don't see worms that much when it rains here in Carrollton). Going to the gas station and accidentally running into his friend, after I had JUST thought to myself it would be interesting if we ran into somebody and I was talking about it too. Then, we go into the grocery store and it happens again and he said it was weird because he hadn't even seen those two in years. Him passively watching Tough Love and saying, "Is he really shocking those girls?".

      I miss him. I miss La Crosse.
      Last edited by CandiCandi; May 9, 2012, 03:15 PM.
      candi ❤ austin
      ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
      ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
      ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
      ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


        Right now the thought in my head is the first day of his last visit here. He wasn't supposed to come until Saturday. So Friday night, im a mess.. I mean no makeup, sloppy pants, baggy clothes, I was full on mess. Im writing him, telling him im going out to dinner so wont be able to stay on to talk to him before he goes. And as im writing out this message!! Suddenly, he's right there! He came from behind and hugged me! I just froze, I wasn't expecting him! And I was all self concious and couldn't look him straight in the face cause i was such a mess.. ( i was all I don't know if its just me, but he always seems more solid the first day too. Idk how to explain, but the very first visit as well as this one, when i hugged him he was more solid, and... not hard but.. lol idk how to describe it, but he makes me feel so safe. Hugged for a moment on the couch before he went to wash up and the whole family and us went out to eat. Was all why didn't you tell me he was coming!! They all knew and set it up.
        Ah i miss him! 6 more days till I see him again
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          During our first weekend together, we walked around downtown Atlanta and were first approached by this homeless dude with a teardrop tattooed on his face saying he had no socks and his feet were bleeding, so we gave him $10, mostly because we had a really bad feeling about him and didn't want to get shanked. Then we ran into this other homeless guy who just wanted to talk to us. He was awesome. His name was Joe and he was telling us how he was an extra in The Walking Dead and that the second movie was coming out in April (?). Then he told us how Jack Frost was in his living room all the time. He was a really awesome guy. We gave him what cash we had left, although we wished we hadn't given that $10 to the dude with no socks, who still had no socks the next day when we saw him. We would have much preferred to give that to Joe, just for his stories.

          Another thing happened with a poor homeless man the next day. I'd gone into a store to get us some water, and when I came back out I saw a man washing the car's windows. He was putting everything he had into it, and made the windows look incredible. His name was David, and he was a really kind-hearted guy, who obviously didn't expect anything for free. He and Joe will always have a special place in my heart. Neither of them had much, but still managed to smile and not act like the world had done them some terrible injustice. I'll never forget David's reaction when we gave him what we had (which I think was only $7, although considering how grateful he was, you'd think it would have been a million). He reached in, shook LoveL's hand, and said, "Why THANK you, Mr. J! Thank you so much!" And then threw in something about having Ms. America in the car with him
          He was just so grateful, and it made me so happy and so heartbroken at the same time.


            It's kinda random actually. XD I was being all moody because I was leaving soon, so he started acting playful and silly. To make me laugh, he put his finger on my belly button and said "no, I'm just gonna leave it there." I dunno why but it made me laugh XD.


              My friend and I were hanging in my SO's hotel room. She had a big bag of those jelly belly beans with the thirty different flavors. My SO and I never had those, so we started to try out the different flavors. I also remember randomly recording, and him taking my iPhone away from me to record random things as well. This all happened this past February. I also remember on Valentine's Day, when we sat on the couch in the living room at my house to watch The Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary Concert. Poor guy almost fell asleep toward the end. It was also a joy, watching my nephews with my SO while my sister had gone out. I can see he will be a good father.

              On the very first visit, I remember this time, where he was over the house once again. We were all hanging in my brother's room. My brother has this game called Fallout 3, which my SO plays as well. Well, he created this crazy looking character on the game, with a big nose and a pink mohawk. I think that character is still on the game, to this day. I also remember him trying to teach me how to play the game. That was pretty fun. xD


                my random memories right now - when I would bug my SO about what I was getting from him for our one year anniversary he once decided to say "stickers" so from then on we referred to the one year anniversary presents as stickers.

                my SO playing with our family dog and teaching her bad habits with running out the back door like a crazy dog whenever it is opened.

                sitting on the couch with my legs in his lap and him running his fingers on them, that could seriously send me to sleep!
                Met Online: February 2009
                Feelings grew: January 2011
                First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
                Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
                Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
                Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
                Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
                Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
                Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
                Engaged: 1st of July 2012
                Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
                Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
                Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
                Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
                Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
                Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

                Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


                  Playing in the rain... nuff said


                    First visit: Hugging him for the very first time and feeling like I was home... getting the 'whole lemon tree' in his iced tea and spitting out seeds the ENTIRE way through dinner...having him put my 'ears' (hearing protection) on for me at the range, the look of concentration so he didn't pinch me... making our Build-A-Bears, "I didn't know it was so intense!"

                    Second visit: Him meeting my dog (who's like my child)... cooking dinner for me "Pasta foot"... going to the store and looking at bedding sets and trying out each other's tastes...

                    Third visit: Having my dog want to sleep in my room with us, kept going back to Dylan and putting his paw on him, "No, Momma, I want to stay with him"....going to IKEA and pushing my disabled aunt in a wheelchair... meeting my father and having his kind of beer... watching home videos of me from when I was little (and continuing to bring them up even now...)... meeting my grandparents and being witty and quick enough to keep up with my sister...

                    Fourth visit: Being already in his apartment when he came home from work... having dinner ready... Driving for 6 hrs in the car together (first roadtrip)... Seeing a random Pirate billboard "Arrrgghhh!!"... not being mad when I had the wrong location for my brother's wedding... fingerspelling to me (I'm an ASL Interpreting major) during the wedding about Uncle So-and-So's hair... laughing hysterically to ourselves about all of the other guests quietly in a corner...Skyping with his Mom and having her show us baby pictures...

                    And he'll be here tomorrrow!!! In about 25 hrs.... I can't wait to write more memories down...

                    Come to think of it, I'll have to add these to the journal...
                    My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
                    It's just me and you
                    Put the pedal to the metal
                    Baby, turn the radio on
                    We can run to the far side of nowhere
                    We can run 'til the days are gone


                      When my SO & I first started dating, I remember having to sneak into his dorm so we could hang together & watch movies in his room. I used to put on a baggy hoodie & boy shorts so I could "blend" in lol
                      Not to get clever
                      but with you I see forever
                      But whatever it is,
                      Here's to you,
                      I Love You Kid...

