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    Omg you are so courageous!
    I don't know what I would do if I had to do LDR after closing the distance.
    I'd probably flip like pancakes T_T

    I hope all goes well, stay strong : )
    Keep us posted too!!!

    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


      I have no advice to give to you since my SO and I are within driving distance but its still a financial strain to see one another due to gas prices, especially when he has a crappy job right now that has not given out raises in 6 years. (But that's another story).

      I know if my SO suddenly told me he had a job offer some where even farther than the distance is now, I'd have to call it quits. I'm a few years older than my SO and I would like to have more children and my time is running out fast! So, him taking a job offer farther away from me right now would be devastating to the relationship. I already can't handle seeing him every few weeks as it is. And the majority of those weekends when I do get to see him are not just time for him and I, we seem to always have children around.


        I'm 5 years older than my SO and that's probably why I was so devastated when he left. It feels like I don't have enough time to plan my whole life all over again

        On the other hand I feel guilty for being mad at him cause he's just going after his own dream. Guess I just thought that we'd be chasing our dreams together


          I don't really have much to say, but i wanted to give you a big big hug. i hope things are going a bit better already. it will take time to adjust, and some days will seem like they are simply too long, but you have all of us to rely on <3
          if it weren't for LFAD and meeting all of you guys, i think i would have gone nuts the first few months of going LD...
          Lots of love to you!
          Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
          And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
          ~Richard Bach

          “Always,” said Snape.


            You're one very brave lady!


              Ugh. :/ Yes. It sucks!

              My SO and I started dating at the end of our senior years of high school. He went to college out of state and I stayed at a community college close to home. We were long distance for a year. Then, I transferred to his school. (Because I wanted to, mostly. They had a good education program and I loved small schools. It actually didn't have much to do with him being there because I knew he was gonna transfer back to an in-state college after his second year.) We were CD for a year and it was amazing, it was exactly what we needed to reconnect again. Then, like I said, he transferred and now I'm in this school still (and love it!) and he's at a different school back in our home state (about 6 hours away). Anywho, we were inseparable during our sophomore year of college. We did so much together and so of course, no matter where I go I think of him. This is a small school, so there hasn't been any place that he hasn't been to.

              Sometimes it really sucks. :'( Every so often I get really sad and think of the roads we would walk down holding hands, or the friends we hung out with watching movies. I pretty much just let school work consume me. :/ I was sad for a few weeks at the beginning of this year. I couldn't believe he wasn't there with me anymore. But I love this school and chose to come here because I knew I'd love it.


                I can't say I've ever closed the distance and had to go long distance again but I have had a few long distance relationships in the past. I met my SO while studying abroad so we were close distance. So when I had to go back to my country, I was defiantly like, 'Oh no! Not this again!'
                The best of luck to you both. Maybe you can find a job there or start figuring out what your next step will be to close the distance again? It's always comforting to have a plan in mind.
                Last edited by eveningsky; April 16, 2012, 01:24 AM.



                  Is it possible for you to go to the UK with him, even temporarily? Or are you too established at home?


                    Awe, that really sucks. But on the plus side, you already know how to make a LDR work obviously, so it won't be as hard for you to sustain your relationship at a distance as it would for someone who has never experienced it.

                    My SO moved here in January for about a month, and though it's not a year like your situation, it was just as great. Things didn't really work out living here, so he returned home and it really sucked for a bit because I was used to having him there all the time. But eventually I went back into my normal routine, and just made time for him like we had always done before.

                    I'd say, if possible, try to plan times when you can meet up or close the distance again. This will give you something to look forward to, even if you can't see each other for a while. I also enjoy planning date nights, because it's something special you can do together and it might make you feel a bit better about the distance.


                      Originally posted by Tooki View Post

                      Is it possible for you to go to the UK with him, even temporarily? Or are you too established at home?
                      I can't really go, I have a 11-year old daughter and I couldn't take her away form her family and friends. Plus I've got a house and lots of animals to look after so I'm pretty much stuck here. He knew all this when he met me 4 years ago though so when he made his decision he knew I can't go with him.


                        My SO & I started CD, then went LD about 5 months into our relationship for 2 1/2 months. CD&living together for about 4 months, and now we're LD again... we went LD in January-the day after our 1 yr anniversary. Not sure when we'll be able to close the distance again (earliest will be the end of August/beginning of September). I'm sorry you're LD again, it definitely sucks.

                        Here are a couple of texts from yesterday:
                        Me: I missed you today.
                        Him: Ditto...
                        Me: So much.
                        Him: Yeah. I'm super-tired of this.
                        Me: Me too.

                        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                        Progress: Complete!

                        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                        Progress: Working on it.

