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Changing Contact Habits Of SO

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    Changing Contact Habits Of SO

    I have been with my SO for 7 months. We go through periods of time where we don't see one another for 2-3 weeks and some times we get to see one another 3 weekends in a row. Last week, during spring break, I stayed with him for the entire week and watched his sons for him while he worked. (I work from home so it was not a real inconvenience for me).

    The week there was a bit odd. 3 days into me being there, he made a joke about my body that really bothered me (I weight train heavily) and I called him out on it. It was the first time he has ever said a joke that really offended me. he was so apologetic when he realized I was upset and he swore he would never joke like that again.

    Well, that night after having this first ever conflict, I felt I needed to be close to him, desired by him. Stupidly the night before we made a bet that I couldn't seduce him, that he could be that strong willed to resist me. Well, this night after the first ever conflict, I crawled up next to him in bed and CLEARLY made it known I wanted to be intimate with him. All he did was just stroke my arm or my back with nothing further. I was frustrated and got out of his bed and went into mine to finally get some sleep.

    The next two nights I went to bed frustrated because yet again, there was no intimacy. he only finally initiated one night when he knew it would be our last opportunity to be intimate. After being intimate that night we had a discussion and he said "You wanted to make love that first night huh?" I said "Well....yea! I thought I made it obvious!" and he said "Yea, but we made that bet. I thought it was still on!"

    He also commented how I was in a rank mood the past few nights and I explained it was because I felt rejected sexually by him. So we discussed it and felt like things were smoothed over.

    The rest of my stay there was good. There was one evening (his birthday) he came home in a very foul mood. Even though I had brought him lunch on his lunch hour and so his boys got to see him and I got to see him, he still had a bad day. He was a bit snappy with me that evening. His patience was extremely low towards everyone.

    Ok, now there is a reason I shared all this.

    This week his contact has been less and less. He normally would call me at least twice a week. He only called me briefly on Monday during his lunch hour to tell me he got a job interview for a position that is closer to where his boys live (20 minutes from me). Otherwise, I called him Tuesday night and I called him again on Thursday night basically because the only contact I had with him Thursday was a "good morning text".

    Which brings me to my next point. He has been texting me far less than he used to. About a month ago he got in trouble for texting at work, so I backed off and so did he, where he would text in the morning, on his lunch hour and then in the evening after work. Occasionally he would send me a message later in the afternoon before he got off work. Now he is texting me in the morning to say "hello" but sometimes he doesn't even do that and so by 10 or 11 am, i will finally give in and text him "Good morning". And now I get about 1-2 messages in the evening just before he goes to bed.

    He used to text me every morning without fail, several in the evening and he always said "good night" via text.

    I can't even blame work on his texting cutbacks because even on the weekends I have not seen him, he texts me in the same manner, a morning and a night one.

    We don't skype because he doesn't have a computer. He actually is not very techie at all. So all we have are texts and phone calls.

    The other thing is he used to greet me with "good morning beautiful" or "good morning babydoll". Now all I ever get is "good morning hun" or sometimes "Good morning".

    I sent him a photo of me on Easter, wearing a dress and he never commented on it like he normally would. Instead about 2 hours later he was asking for help with a test question he was studying for.

    I should mention all of this contact changes happened progressively. It's not like all of a sudden. The biggest change was his phone call habits. That seems to have suddenly start this week.

    Is this normal behavior?
    Last edited by FierceFoxie; April 14, 2012, 12:10 PM.

    I wouldn't panic just yet, but I would try to casually ask him if everything is fine with him. Ask him without accusations, just see how it goes. Maybe he is just busy or caught up with something. Also after people get comfortable with a relationship and this happens usually with men, they don't do all the fierce texting and following up as in the initial wooing stages. I hope it works out for you.


      is he in school as well as working? (the test question) If so, that could have something to do with it. And yes, the longer a relationship goes on, the more comfortable people get and the more slack they can get.
      Communication is the key. When you got upset because he didnt pick up on "obvious" sexual cues, you should have said something, not just gone to the other bed upset. Yes, easier said than done. But then you held a grudge and he had no idea why - he is a man, not a mind reader.
      As for the lack of contact since the visit - talk to him. is everything ok, is something on your mind? Not necessarily why have you been so distant, because he may not see it that way. If you cant communicate with him, and vicwe versa the relationship will never work.
      Have his kids been around you befreo? Does their mother know about you?
      He had a job interview, could that be consuming him?
      everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


        Hi there! Welcome to LFAD! It sounds like he has something on his mind, especially work related. Maybe you can put out feelers, like ldrhourglass suggested, and just show you're there for him. It sounds like he's been under a lot of stress at work, and if he has two sons, I can only imagine that would be stressful as well! If things continue, maybe you could ask for a specific time to talk, and just calmly bring up your concerns like you did here. I think you presented it very well,a nd if you make sure you emphasize that you're there to support him, you love him, and you're simply asking to make sure he's okay, I don't think he'll have a problem with that. If he gets defensive, give him time to come round. One thing I've learned from being in a relationship (and this really applies to people in general :P) is that people will take their own time to come round to a touchy subject, and when they do, because it's through an organic process of their own, they're much more receptive and understanding to your point of view. I'd continue to show him love and support, and just be yourself. Don't be afraid to make your needs known--you deserve to have a boyfriend who's there for you!

        Best of luck hon!
        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


          Originally posted by ldrhourglass View Post
          I wouldn't panic just yet, but I would try to casually ask him if everything is fine with him. Ask him without accusations, just see how it goes. Maybe he is just busy or caught up with something. Also after people get comfortable with a relationship and this happens usually with men, they don't do all the fierce texting and following up as in the initial wooing stages. I hope it works out for you.
          I'm inclined to think this is it.

          Originally posted by subeasley View Post
          is he in school as well as working? (the test question) If so, that could have something to do with it. And yes, the longer a relationship goes on, the more comfortable people get and the more slack they can get.
          Communication is the key. When you got upset because he didnt pick up on "obvious" sexual cues, you should have said something, not just gone to the other bed upset. Yes, easier said than done. But then you held a grudge and he had no idea why - he is a man, not a mind reader.
          As for the lack of contact since the visit - talk to him. is everything ok, is something on your mind? Not necessarily why have you been so distant, because he may not see it that way. If you cant communicate with him, and vicwe versa the relationship will never work.
          Have his kids been around you befreo? Does their mother know about you?
          He had a job interview, could that be consuming him?
          He's not in school but he was going to take a math test for some job he was interviewing for and they recommend that he brush up on 7th grade math skills, so last weekend on Sunday, he was consumed with studying.

          I agree that I should have said something about the sex thing but the reason why I didn't speak to him about it right away is because of how torn I am about it. I was trying to refrain from sex before marriage but we obviously are sexually active, no matter how much I may want to refrain. So I kinda felt like it was wrong to even discuss this matter with him since sex shouldn't be something to worry about at this stage. I did tell him on the night when we did make love that the reason why I didn't tell him was because of that reason specifically.

          Yes, his kids are no strangers to me. I met them about 3 weeks into us dating and we have spent many weekends together. In fact, we have had more weekends with the kids than just the two of us. Yes, their mother knows all about me and I have met her once.

          More than likely, it's this job interview that's coming up that has him nervous and anxious. It sounds like a pretty intense interview since it's infront of all his head hanchos at his company right now and they emailed him a list of questions to be prepared to answer. Plus, he is all nervous about them offering him enough money, if he should ask how much the pay is before he gets the job, if they will help him relocate, a company vehicle etc. In fact, our last phone conversation was him talking the entire time about all this information they sent him and his worries over it.

          One thing I should note, when I did call him last, I woke him up. It was only 9pm his time but he said he wasn't feeling well so he had skipped the gym and crashed right after work. When he said that, I offered to end the call and let him go back to sleep and he said "No, no. It's alright." I guess if he was really having second thoughts about me, he probably would have said "Oh, ok. we'll talk later and ended the call."

          Originally posted by marbear31 View Post
          Hi there! Welcome to LFAD! It sounds like he has something on his mind, especially work related. Maybe you can put out feelers, like ldrhourglass suggested, and just show you're there for him. It sounds like he's been under a lot of stress at work, and if he has two sons, I can only imagine that would be stressful as well! If things continue, maybe you could ask for a specific time to talk, and just calmly bring up your concerns like you did here. I think you presented it very well,a nd if you make sure you emphasize that you're there to support him, you love him, and you're simply asking to make sure he's okay, I don't think he'll have a problem with that. If he gets defensive, give him time to come round. One thing I've learned from being in a relationship (and this really applies to people in general :P) is that people will take their own time to come round to a touchy subject, and when they do, because it's through an organic process of their own, they're much more receptive and understanding to your point of view. I'd continue to show him love and support, and just be yourself. Don't be afraid to make your needs known--you deserve to have a boyfriend who's there for you!

          Best of luck hon!
          Thanks Marbear. So I guess, ultimately, I should continue to text him if I haven't heard from him first (like occasionally) and if he hasn't called me in a few days, I should continue to call? I especially wanna be careful not to stress him out this next week, I know this interview is a big deal to him so he doesn't need the added stress of a needy girlfriend complaining how he isn't making time for her, ya know?


            you can send emcouraging texts/emails and just let him know you are thinking about him. Text him good morning, i hope your having a good day etc type things. just enough to let him know you are thinkng of him without saying "damnit, I need to talk to you"
            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


              Originally posted by subeasley View Post
              you can send emcouraging texts/emails and just let him know you are thinking about him. Text him good morning, i hope your having a good day etc type things. just enough to let him know you are thinkng of him without saying "damnit, I need to talk to you"
              Good idea. I started practicing sending him "value texts" a little while ago and maybe he has become addicted to those without feeling he has to respond to every text. I read on some blog by a male that to keep a man interested you have to send him texts that have value yet demand nothing of him, such as "I'm having a fantastic day and you were on my mind so thought I would let you know. I hope you are having a great day today too!"



                Originally posted by ldrhourglass View Post
                Also after people get comfortable with a relationship and this happens usually with men, they don't do all the fierce texting and following up as in the initial wooing stages. I hope it works out for you.
                That's also with me and my SO! That are boys for ya

                And we can read too much into things that guys do or say, just like the joke. He probably didn't mean it like that. But we read too much into it... It's a mind fuck...

                Hope you guys can work it out!
                \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                \\ happens for a reason //

                \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                  Originally posted by ldrhourglass View Post
                  I wouldn't panic just yet, but I would try to casually ask him if everything is fine with him. Ask him without accusations, just see how it goes. Maybe he is just busy or caught up with something. Also after people get comfortable with a relationship and this happens usually with men, they don't do all the fierce texting and following up as in the initial wooing stages. I hope it works out for you.
                  This is very good advice. Sometimes you just start getting too comfortable and too busy at the same time, he may not even realize he's doing it. I see he's got kids, and in the beginning of a relationship, you can totally burn the candle at both ends and still function, but after a while, you can't and you have to start focusing and giving time to all the other important things that may have been getting slightly neglected. It happens. Kids take up so much time, and he's probably being pulled in different directions with them, work and you. So, just casually ask him about it, and as long as he seems a bit surprised and tells you everything is fine, back off of it a little and enjoy your relationship. The dynamics of any relationship changes as time goes by, that's normal as long as you're still honest with each other and communicating well when you do. Good luck and welcome to LFAD
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    Yes, I agree that I think he has just gotten comfortable and feels like he maybe doesn't need to be texting you as often. This is bothering you, so talk to him. Also, I wouldn't advise you to play games and make bets like that. It's counter-productive.


                      Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess I was jumping the gun a bit and I am glad I didn't start whining to him about him not calling as much or texting like he used to. He didn't send me his normal "Good morning" text like he usually does. So what I was feeling all week was just made worse today. Then, he texted me this afternoon and apologized for getting back to me so late but that he had been working on his boat all morning. I know that when he does work on his boat, it is never a quick thing and it also frustrates the heck out of him.

                      So I responded back telling him "I know working on the boat is important to you so I'll let you get back to it. I'll text you later this evening or something." He responded about 4 hours later saying what he worked on it all day, it didn't go well at all and that he was frustrated and quit. I responded with a short text just empathizes how I can only imagine his frustration. Then about an hour later he called me and we spoke for about 20 min while he was on his way to a friend's house to have a few beers. He felt he really needed it after today's frustration. So I felt he made an effort to call me.

                      It makes me laugh a little at myself about how sensitive I can be about this relationship because it really is harder being LD. The one thing that he has continued to prove to me is that he somehow has a 6th sense and always does something that I feel I need without mentioning it to him. So for now it was bothering me that his contact has been less frequent and that he wasn't calling much and yet today he did more.

                      But who knows, tomorrow I may be back complaining yet again how I haven't heard from him all day.

                      I'm going to observe his behavior this week and not try and stress him out for this interview. After the interview his actions should be speaking more clearly. For the next few days, I'll cut him some slack! After-all, I do love this man with all of my heart.
                      Last edited by FierceFoxie; April 14, 2012, 11:14 PM.


                        Give it time, be patient.
                        Men and women are two different 'species' if I may say.
                        Plus LDR are not easy.

                        Communication and being patient is the key!

                        Come and drop us a line from time to time
                        ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                          As frustrating as your situation was, thank you for posting! I recently was just having the same doubts. It's easy to forget how different men and women deal with situations like this- women can automatically jump to "o no! he forgot about me!" when that really may not be the case at all. I jumped the gun a bit and asked my SO about his lack of contact lately (granted, he had a very busy week at work and I am studying for grad school midterms), but I just decided to be open about it instead of letting it build up too much. He told me about how he thinks about me all the time, even talks about me to friends and co-workers a lot (in a good way-he's excited about me coming out there this summer), and is so solid in his faith in us that he just assumed I was, too. He's a very genuine person so I have no inkling of doubt when he tells me this. I just asked him if maybe sometimes he lets me in on his "excited conversations" about me- a little reassurance is never bad when separated by distance! Us silly girls and our wild imaginations. Why do we do this to ourselves?! Glad to hear your situation seems as imaginative as mine- best wishes!


                            Originally posted by ordbkk89 View Post
                            As frustrating as your situation was, thank you for posting! I recently was just having the same doubts. It's easy to forget how different men and women deal with situations like this- women can automatically jump to "o no! he forgot about me!" when that really may not be the case at all. I jumped the gun a bit and asked my SO about his lack of contact lately (granted, he had a very busy week at work and I am studying for grad school midterms), but I just decided to be open about it instead of letting it build up too much. He told me about how he thinks about me all the time, even talks about me to friends and co-workers a lot (in a good way-he's excited about me coming out there this summer), and is so solid in his faith in us that he just assumed I was, too. He's a very genuine person so I have no inkling of doubt when he tells me this. I just asked him if maybe sometimes he lets me in on his "excited conversations" about me- a little reassurance is never bad when separated by distance! Us silly girls and our wild imaginations. Why do we do this to ourselves?! Glad to hear your situation seems as imaginative as mine- best wishes!
                            I know right! We are so darn good at overanalyzing details that we can make up things in are head that aren't even happening! Yesterday, my SO started again by greeting me with a daily greeting at noon and then I didn't hear from him all day. I knew he was going to a car show with his friends but what made me peeved was that I sent him a photo of me looking all sex-a-fied and then asked to see some pics of the cars. Well, about 9 hours later I get a text and he tells me that my picture was amazing looking and then he apologized for not texting me all day but that his phone had died and no one had a charger to fit his phone (of the guys that went to the car show) and he did say "I wanted to use one of their phones and call you but I realized I don't know your number by heart." He then said his phone was plugged in his car charger and that they were back at his friend's house with dinner and said he would call me on his way home.

                            He then called me about an hour later on his way home and the first thing he complained about was his nose dripping all day and he was coughing a lot so I knew he felt like crap. But of course in the conversation I told him "I miss you" and he responded with "Oh, yea?"; there was no "I miss you too" or anything so my heart sank a bit.

                            Then I asked him when would we see each other next and he said "I don't know". There was awkward silence for several seconds and I finally told him "I don't like that answer very much" and then we went to more awkward silence. Then he just started talking about how he is worrying about a place to stay if he gets this job soon.

                            I straight up asked him if he was stressing out or worrying and he said "Yea, I've been a little stressed out lately...why?" I told him "No reason. Just curious", I should have communicated that I was concerned about him but I honestly didn't want to draw out the conversation then when I knew he was feeling like crap and was just looking forward to getting home ASAP to crash.

                            So now, all last night after we got off the phone, I started to feel insecure again. I know he was feeling like crap and he is worrying about a lot of things but I can't help but feel as though his feelings might not be as strong as they once were.

                            I hate overanalyzing! I wish my brain would stop this!


                              once you know the interview is over, just ask him for some "me time" so we can talk.
                              If I ask my so when I am going to see him, I get the same answer. Between work and school, he honestly doesnt know when he will be able to come down for a visit. Dont let that part drag youdown.
                              everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

