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    hey all,

    i've put myself in a cunundrum by being indecisive, would very much appreciate some insight. heres the synopsis:

    i worry about every small thing that surrounds making a choice.

    i currently work as a waste recycling promotions officer for a council, which is located 271 miles away from my home. this is due to end may 18th. i recently took another temp contract for wastewatch and did the training and 1 day of work already for them. also same distance away.

    my home is in plymouth- i have my friends, my boyfriend and our flat. i relocated to a rented room for my current post- and looked to do the same for the new post.

    i found out the other day that there is a large commute to a depo which will be the base for operations; not the depo we did training in and i was lead to believe where we'll be working from. the contract is a zero hours -essentially a pay cut from my current post. i don't drive, and we will not be paid for travelling expenses.

    so last night i decided to quit before it gets too into the project. i told my Bf what i intended to do. but i woke up this morn thinking hang on; i'll be letting people down, i'll be going back to waitressing no doubt, and it means i loose out of some more months of experience in the field.

    but at the time my over-riding deciding factor was that i knew i was happiest in plymouth. i've been living away from home now for 7 mths, and every time i am at the station and see a train for plym; i want to be on it rather than be going wherever.

    i feel very much confused now with what i should do. help please!

    I'm not sure I understand what this is about... sorry.

    This isn't about a relationship but about missing 'home'? right?
    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


      Yah I'm gonna have to agree...I don't really understand what you're saying..


        If you kept the job you would be awayf from home for another temp contract making less money, but gaining experience. You were misled in houseing arrangements and job locale.
        You quit the job and will move back home to no job, but will be back at home with your boyfriend and family.
        You arent sure if quitting the job was the right decision - is that right?
        Only you can make that decision.
        everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


          Here's how I see it: we spend a HUGE chunk of our lives working. Best to try and do that without being myserable. It sounds like this isn't the job for you. Do what makes you happy, live where you are happy. No matter what you do, someone's always a little let down - but think there might be someone out there desperate to work that position who's life you will improve by not taking it. The thing is, you don't know! So just look after yourself
          (If that didn't make sense, my vote is for not taking the job)
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            sorry guys for not being clear- home for me is with bf, as we were living together before i moved away for my first job. was due to come back, but got offered the other post. i did the new jobs training before doubts started to kick in. it is about the relationship to an extent but also about my work future.

            thank you very much zephii- i did turn it down in the end; and am keeping my fingers crossed for a job application i submitted tht is only 2 hrs away from our flat!!


              The only advice I can give you is that sometimes the best things in life happen when you close your eyes and jump. You know beforehand in your gut if this thing is really something you shouldn't do because it isn't right, but if it's hesitance out of fear, take a deep breath and go for it.


                thank you all for your comments and support- in the end i withdrew from the job based on the fact that it wasn't financially viable if you threw in the fact extra travelling was involved. plus i admitted to myself that i am homesick. I realize now i was indecisive due to fear of unemployment... i hate being on jobseekers moe than anything (past experience).

                thank you again

