My SO is on a cruise liner and has been gone now for almost 4 months, our communication isn't all that wonderful and even when we do communicate it usually takes about 3 or 4 tries of him calling me on the satellite phone before we get a good connection. As such I cherish the times I do get to speak to him as I know it's quite costly and special. Most of my friends and family are very supportive and offer comfort but there are some friends who are very negative. These friends are so pigheaded and hurtful and the moment some of them find out that I am in a LDR and also that he's on a cruise liner they quip that he must be sleeping with other women both on the ship and at every port. I mean even if they were thinking it, it's so awful that they would voice it and it's so disheartening especially since I don't get to talk to him all the time.
No announcement yet.
With friends like these.........
that would be difficult. Try to remember how busy he must be. People are ignorant in the fact thaqt thye dont realize how incredibly insane it is to work on a cruise ship. There is very little down time.everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.
People unfamiliar with these relationships can be really unsupportive and even hurtful. Even if they've been in LDR, ignore them, because every relationship is different... yours for example is different because of your SO's work! I'm sure none of your friends really know how that works.
As I've stated before, just rip off their nipples @_@. Trust me, it fixes everything :'D. Don't judge me for condoning violence, you know I'm right! D:<
I'm sorry you're experiencing such hurtful comments.
I'm pretty sure everyone who has been/is in a relationship, CD, LD, any kind, has had SOMEONE make a hurtful, skeptical comment about their relationship.
People are mean and insensitive.
A guy who knew my roommate came to borrow something from us, and ended up sitting and chatting in our room for a bit. He asked me about my relationship, and when I told him my boyfriend was half a world away, he not only suggested that my SO would be sleeping with other girls, but asked me why I would bother spending all that money on visits, I was young and didn't know what I wanted, it was all going to end badly anyway. I'd only met him about an hour before this. He made me So So mad. I was lucky and my roommate stepped in and said "Until you've seen them together, you can't possibly understand why it's worth it".
Her saying that pretty much summed it up for me. Unless they have inside knowledge of your relationship (or you've asked for advice), they have absolutely no right to judge it. Would they be cheeky enough to say that about someone in a CD relationship? No. It IS because people are prejudiced about LDRs, and even when they have no personal experience, think they know everything about it.
This stuff makes me realllllly mad.
I have a couple of friends that say that also, and friends of my SO don't trust me either.. But they don't know you and your SO, so they should STFU\\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
\\ happens for a reason //
\\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //
\\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
\\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //
As the others have said, take no notice whatsoever. Actually, there's a difference between skeptical friends who have their doubts about your situation because they don't understand it, and those who purposely make destructive comments which are designed to disparage and hurt. If I had friends who were the latter, I'd ask myself if I wanted such people in my life at all
I haven't had friends who are mean, in fact most of them are pretty understanding and often ask how my SO is doing. However, I do have one friend who often makes snide comments about how time I spend skyping my SO. She thinks she's being funny, but I just find it insensitive and it gets to me sometimes. I figure it's because she just doesn't understand LDRs...
I was in the same situation when me and my SO got together. I was 15, he was 18. So he was at the peek of the teens when you think with your penis and flirt loads. He was a massive flirt and people knew that. So people were always saying "Oh he is sleeping with other girls" Etc etc and generally saying some very hurtful, and racist comments.
At first it did upset me, but i learnt to just brush it off and ignore it. I still get shit now but it doesnt bother me now(unless the comments are racist then i do flip out purely because i hate racism and it isnt right)
My advice would be just to ignore their comments, they dont know him and they cant understand the situation. Its hard but just forget about it, theres no reason worrying about their comments when you know they arent trueDont let others bring you down
Don't listen to people who say negative things about LDR.
Believe in yourself, believe in him, in your relationship.
There will always be ppl who will try to bad mouth LDR, but also there will always be ppl who are there to support it.
If you have a hard time, come and chat with us all.
Keep strong♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡