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Romantic/Sweet Things You/Your S/O Have Done!

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    Romantic/Sweet Things You/Your S/O Have Done!

    Hey everyone!

    What is the most romantic/sweet thing your S/O has done for you?
    Also, what is the most romantic/sweet thing you have done for your S/O?

    Looking forward to hearing these beautiful stories!


    hes made a calendar for me (for xmas)...its sort of a countdown til my birthday and idk what his plans are for that then but yea this calendar he made all by himself, he didnt use anything you could buy apart from paper and staples and a pen. And its sooooooo cute there is something sweet in there everyday, a reason to why he loves me, things he wants to do with me in the future, poems he wrote for me, song lyrics, pictures he asked his flatmate to draw for him i.e. for me, things for me to do on that day (e.g. help my mum, my sis, my dad) and other sweet stuff to make me smile everyday
    unfortunately im not that creative but i wants set up a dinner on our roof in the moonlight..that was quite romantic i guess :/


      Hehe. Well i have a bunch of plans, but ive not really been able to put those into action yet, but they will be.
      So far i guess the only romantic stuff ive been able to do is to lose boat load after boat load of sleep to be able to stay up at night or get up in the morning to talk to my SO.


        On our first Valentines, she bought six roses and had five friends hide around the student union building of our Uni holding them. They each had a song lyric of our fav love songs and a riddle saying where to find the next person. After running all around the building (three floors!) and finding everyone, she had the last rose at my apartment. The riddle was "go to the place where I first told you I loved you". After going through all the loops and collecting roses, I had enough for a nice bouquet in a green vase she bought. She spent the whole day setting it all up, asking our friends, sneaking around to get everything ready without me noticing. I was even mad at her earlier in the day because I though she was avoiding me on valentines! Haha, of course she was. I felt like such an idiot after lol

        It was the sweetest thing anyone had every done for me. I cried it was so wonderful lol


          Well, she made me two sweet and awesome mix CDs(cause she knows how much I love music) and has come to see one of the plays I was in recently.And I made her two awesome CD's, a letter, and a book.Next time she comes here, I'll probally be taking her out on a date too . Oh, and I recorded one of the covers I've done, cause she loves to hear me sing
          "Beauty Looks Not With The Eyes, But With The Mind." - Shakespeare

          I'm the only one I'll ever need...I'm the Einzelgangerin


            my bf wrote me a song...well 3 now. To me, that is the most romantic thing anyone has every done for me. I am a huge music fan and for him to put his feelings for me in a song, was soo awesome. And the best part was when he sang it to me. The title is "the one who holds your heart"

            Everytime he sings it to me..i cry..its always really romantic.


              I don't know about the sweetest or most romantic thing my SO has done for me (there have been a lot!) but one of the most recent sweet things that my SO did for me is setting his alarm so that he could wake up in time to call me so that his voice was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep last night. It is often the small, sweet gestures like these that mean the most to me, I really am lucky to have such a sweet, thoughtful SO!
              Last edited by PurpleDreamer; May 31, 2010, 01:47 AM.


                The romantic and sweet things he's done for me are very numerous.......i met him in person two days ago and have spent the entire weekend with him, he is such a gentleman like i said i was gonna pay for the cab and before i could even get the money out of my purse he'd handed the money to the taxi driver, i know thats not romantic but it was just really very sweet. I guess the most romantic thing he has ever done is fly 306 miles just to come and see me, and insist on phoning me every few minutes to check that i was okay. I'm sure there will be many other romantic things to happen in the future, we have got our whole lives together! :P

                Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                  We were lying on the bed just before and "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars was playing on the radio when she started to sing the song into my ear.

                  The lyrics are beautiful and hearing her singing those words to me... it was wonderful. It gave me goosebumps.


                    even though she was scared to do it, she sang for me on my birthday best birthday present anyone has ever given me


                      He got up really early telling me he was going to the gym, but went to the grocery store and bought my a Rose, and cooked me breakfast so it was waiting for me when I got up. He set the fire alarm off in the process, but it was the sweetest, cutest thing ever!

                      As for me.... I haven't done anything yet, apart from gifts- like I sent him novelty $1 million dollar note, telling him he now had funds to come visit me I do have a plan of what I want to do soon though, but I'm going to have to drag some friends into it... maybe after all these papers are done!

                      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!

