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I'll Take It

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    I'll Take It

    I am currently in the hospital for a medication adjustment for my seizure disorder and my SO sent me flowers. This is the first time she's ever done something like this out of the blue. And at first I was over analyzing it, wondering why and what was she feeling guilty about... and then I just told myself to shut up and enjoy it.

    Yeah, this wasn't really a question, more of a confession, I suppose.

    I think you can afford to take this gesture at face value indeed I hope you get well soon!


      Yea don't over analyze, people come here and complain that they never get 'out of the blue' gifts and here you are getting something nice! Enjoy it


        Out of the blue gifts are fantastic (:
        Love knows not distance, time, or logic.

        Evan & Megan <3



          Yay for flowers just because!

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            Can I ask why you bother to be with someone and let them encompass your life so entirely who doesn't care enough to send flowers more than once in 9 years?


              Originally posted by LoveJ View Post
              Can I ask why you bother to be with someone and let them encompass your life so entirely who doesn't care enough to send flowers more than once in 9 years?
              I rarely get flowers or surprises from my SO doesn't mean he doesn't care about me.


                Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                I rarely get flowers or surprises from my SO doesn't mean he doesn't care about me.
                I'm assuming LoveJ's referring to all of the other frankly crappy stuff WillowFaith's SO has pulled on her recently.

