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Three words.

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    Three words.

    I'm sorry I've been reeeeally absent around here
    I wanted to open a new thread to know a little bit more of you guys, your opinions and so..

    Nowadays all I seem to see is young couples telling each other "I love you"s every 5 minutes, at any given moment and I guess, not really meaning it. Idon'tknow.
    I know that those words are not going to come out of my mouth unless I truly feel them for that person, for me it's like a huuuuge step in a relationship. Even with my friends, it's sometimes hard to say it. (Call me weird but that's the way I am and think haha.)

    So, the other day my SO told me he loves me.
    We seem to have the same opinion on the topic, so that.. surprised me. We talked about it and he said he couldn't keep lieing to himself anymore, that what he felt was more than what was said up until now.

    I'm not gonna lie, in a way it.. scared me a little bit. I'M HAPPY ABOUT IT, don't get me wrong, but I'm also scared because I feel I'm not quite there yet.. I've never been in love, I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I told him how I felt, and he answered that it's okay, there's no need to rush things and let's take it slowly, but he just needed to tell me that.

    ..I guess time will help me with it?

    And now I'm curious, in your relationship..
    Who said it first?
    Did you/he/she mean it?
    How early(or late) was it said?
    Do you frecuently say it to one another?

    (I bet this whole thread will be a joke to some I apologize)

    Thats good your not rushing into anything ^^ sadly though when you KNOW your in love youll know it....something you have never felt before.......... i have been with ummm about 4 diff guys and i have said "i love you" to them and didnt mean it...........and this time this is the real deal youll absolutly know its like a feeling you never have felt before when you are in love~ wish the best of luck to you <3

    Who said it first?My boyfriend said it first ^^
    Did you/he/she mean it? Yes he ment it and so did i when i confessed to him
    How early(or late) was it said? we knew each other for like 6 months before he confessed to me and said he wanted to be with me....we wherent going out when he told me
    Do you frecuently say it to one another? yes XD; we say it to each other usually atleast once a day to 10 times a day
    Last edited by Gemini; May 31, 2010, 05:47 AM.


      Who said it first? I did

      Did you/he/she mean it? I meant it when I said it, but he didn't - only told me because he thought he should

      How early(or late) was it said? I told him after nearly three months (this was one month LD and the rest CD) becuase i'd just gone through a bit of a tough time and he was there for me in a way no one had been before. When he told me again (I asked him not to tell me until it was true) we were at about 8 months I guess. I won't lie, it's caused us a few problems in the past.

      Do you frecuently say it to one another? Um... Depends. Usually before we go to sleep when appart. On visits, it's kinda random. I guess we just tell each other when it seems right, or when either of us needs to know.

      I don't believe love can or should be thrown around casually, but I come from a family where we are very loving towards each other and say that we love each other. My bf does not - it's not thrown around as it is in my home. He'd been in three relationships before he met me, all of them LD and lasting at least 6 months. But I'm the first girl he's been in love with. So it was scary for him I guess. He was my first boyfriend, and when I realised that I was in love I was scared, but I didn't think it was wrong or anything. I think he thought that because he'd never been in love before, he couldn't be in love with me so fast. I maintain that he probably was all along, just didn't really know. All my friends who saw us together at the time told me that he was lieing to himself - apparently it was obvious from the way he looked at me. *blushes*


        Who said it first? My SO did.
        Did you/he/she mean it? Well, I think he was confused about it, to be honest.
        How early(or late) was it said? about after five months of non-stop talking on chat. Before our relationship started. We were just friends and one day, he just said: "I think I love you."
        Do you frequently say it to one another? Yeah. In our relationship, we've gone into the long-term phase where it's getting a little difficult to talk and stuff. But we say "I love you" whenever we don't know what to say. Because we both still mean it.


          Yeah, what Gemini says, you'll know what love feels like when it's there. I was in that situation with my ex, he said he loved me and I felt bad and said it back. But I didn't really mean it and then I was forced into false "love" and that ruined the relationship. It may take time, but you'll know it for sure when it happens. ^^

          Who said it first? I confessed it first, but he was obvious about it first.
          Did you/he/she mean it? Of course, his feelings and actions told it before he did. I did as well.
          How early(or late) was it said? We'd known each other for about a year and I told him one night on MSN. It was hard for me to confess though because I was still in a relationship with my now ex then, but it turned out ok. Then we started our relationship ^^
          Do you frecuently say it to one another? Every night for sure, and sometimes randomly thrown throughout the day maybe.


            Who said it first?Me, we had been having these amazing MSN conversations for about three nights and we were having an amazing time and i kept saying to him 'if you wanted to say something but you were scared of the reaction, would you still say it? and eventually i said it, he kept saying to me 'well say what you feel!' which was basically hinting to me to say it. he said he was too scared incase he got the messages wrong and i didnt want to say i love you.. but he said it right back!
            Did you/he/she mean it? YES, but i guess love grows stronger and my love that i have for him now is different to what it iwas when i first said it, but no regrets.. i meant it and im glad i said it when i did
            How early(or late) was it said? like 10 days after we became offical, this was in october but we;d known eachother since may
            Do you frecuently say it to one another? all the time


              Who said it first?
              He did. Btw, you sort of remind me of myself. I had never been in love before my SO, and I didn't really know what it felt like either. I always told myself that I would never say "I love you"
              unless I really meant it because I hold the word very sacred (and I also looked down on people who said it to ten zillion different boyfriends ^^). But one day when we were on the phone, Jared said I love you right when we were getting ready to get off. My heart stopped! I was shocked and wasn't sure what to say! I paused for a few moments and then said it back. For a day I wondered if I really meant it or not because I wasn't sure what love was, but I was talking to one of my best friends, and she randomly said, "You are really in love " and I guess that is when I realized that she was right. I had him on my mind literally 24/7, all I could do was talk about him, and when I did I had the most glowing look on my face. Although I was scared when I said it, I know I meant it

              Did you/he/she mean it?
              Yes. Actually, he had actually said it two times before when he had fallen asleep on the phone with me. Those times, I did not say it back because I was not ready. I told him that he must be confused or something and that he couldn't love me. However, when he said it again when he was awake, I knew deep down he meant it because he wouldn't lie in his sleep

              How early(or late) was it said?
              It was said pretty early--one week after we had been official, although we had known each other for two months before that. Our relationship moved very fast in general, and though I do not regret saying "I love you," I think we both agree some topics were rushed too soon. I remember one guy in particular telling me that you couldn't be in love after dating someone for a week, and he reminded me of what I would have said about love in the past. (He also said that it was impossible to love someone in another state, and he was wrong there too).

              Do you frequently say it to one another?
              Ummmmm.....a million times a day lol? We say it a ton. I guess we are sort of like Totalspiffage. If we are having a silence and neither of us has something to say, I will say I love you because it is the only thing I can think of We also say it every time we get off the phone, and at least several times in the conversation, even if it is going fine. We call each other in the morning when we wake up to say it, and also before we go to bed. And we usually text it to one another when one of us is busy. We also will call the other person randomly when we are busy just to say "I love you." For example, he has a habit of calling me right before he goes to work to tell me

              I guess if you heard us you would think that we are like the people who say it every five minutes and do not mean it, but we do mean it! It may annoy some people to hear us say it so much, but we are very lovey dovey. ^^ I also like vocalizing exactly how I feel, so that is why I say it so much.

              On a side note:
              I agree with xsomanymilesx. The love that I feel for my SO now is different from the one I felt when I first said it. In the beginning, it was more us falling in love, which is beautiful in itself. I had butterflies in my stomach all of the time, and we spent every spare moment talking to each other! Now, I believe our love is stronger, and that just comes with time. We know most every thing about each other, and we cherish the ups and downs we have gone through because they have taken us where we are today. I do not regret saying it so early in our relationship, but it is just different than when we say it now, if that makes sense
              Last edited by Bluestars; May 31, 2010, 12:26 PM.


                Who said it first? I believe that may have been me
                Did you/he/she mean it? oh yeah still do
                How early(or late) was it said? early. we both knew we loved each other more then friends and crushes so when we finally got around to it, it was at least a couple of months of us knowing each other like 3
                Do you frecuently say it to one another?all the time


                  I understand what you mean, when my SO said it first I wasn't ready either. But I had been in love before (or so I thought) so it was even weirder to not be able to say it back. It took another month for me to come around. it took lots of reflection and thinking about the future of our relationship. It took me a while to realize that the feelings I had for her were more than I had ever felt for any person. They were so different, I didn't know how to describe them at first.

                  Who said it first?
                  My SO
                  Did you/he/she mean it? Yes, I'm sure she truly meant it
                  How early(or late) was it said? Haha we're weirdos so she said it after only like two months of dating! She's very emotional though so I understood. It took me a month later.
                  Do you frecuently say it to one another? We say it countless times a day. lol Always after every phone call, sometimes in txts, and when we are together we say it randomly throughout the day. We also have the same philosophy that it should be said whenever we leave each other and before we go to sleep; anything could happen. For us I think it's part habit and part needing to know that we feel the same. Plus, I just love the way it sounds when she says it.
                  Last edited by Desya; May 31, 2010, 12:17 PM. Reason: spelling


                    Who said it first?: he did, and i said it straight afterwards back.
                    Did we mean it?: to be honest i didn't mean it at first and i don't think he did either, we said it too early. But since then i have said that and he agrees, and i said it to him a few months ago and i said i really really meant it, and i still do now
                    How early/late did you say it?: Way too early, after about a month.
                    Do you frequently say it to one another?: All the time!!! i can't help but say it, but for us thats okay and he says it just as much

                    I love you tom!!!!!!!!!!! <3

                    Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                      Who said it first? I said it first

                      Did you/he/she mean it? Yes I meant it...hard to describe what it was I was feeling but then realized that it was love. He didn't say it when I did because I told him he didn't have to just because I did. I wanted him to say it on his own terms. I think he was at a loss of words lol He reciprocated saying "I love you" on Valentines day..he sent a bouquet of roses with a note saying "P.P.S I Do", however he forgot to put or tell me that the flowers were called "P.S I Love You" so the card was confusing at first lol

                      How early(or late) was it said? I told him after about 5months and already meeting for a week in Ireland

                      Do you frequently say it to one another? Every time we end a conversation, whether it's on the computer or the phone. He had to get used to saying it because his family doesn't say it very often though. It's so much better when I get to say it to him in person!


                        Who said it first?

                        My SO did. I was pretty surprised, because i felt that connection for quite some time but didn't know if she felt it too. So i didn't dare to say it

                        Did you/he/she mean it?

                        We both mean it. No question about it.

                        How early(or late) was it said?

                        I suppose it was pretty early. A month in or something.

                        Do you frecuently say it to one another?

                        Yes. Like Gemini. Once to ten times a day.


                          Who said it first?
                          He said it first.

                          Did you/he/she mean it?
                          He most certainly meant it, I'm the only person he's ever said it to.

                          How early(or late) was it said?
                          He said it about three months after we began dating.

                          Do you frecuently say it to one another?
                          We say it to each other each morning in our good morning texts and each night when we're wrapping up our call. When we're in the same place we say it a little more because we'll just be sitting around and one of us will just say it. I'll admit that I'll say it more than he does, I think just because I always want that to be the last thing I've said to him.


                            Who said it first?
                            He did

                            Did you/he/she mean it?
                            Yes he meant it and when I said it to him I meant it

                            How early(or late) was it said?
                            He said it 2-3 days after we started dating

                            Do you frequently say it to one another?
                            We say it once or twice a day to each other

                            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                              Who said it first? I don't remember, we used to say it playfully for a bit before really getting might of been him I think.
                              Did you/he/she mean it? The first time we really meant it, we REALLY meant it, I can feel it, and I know I mean every word.
                              How early(or late) was it said? 3 months maybe. He had just came out of a two year relationship and I was there for him the whole time.
                              Do you frequently say it to one another? At LEAST 3 times if not a ton more every day. We're very lovey.

