Some sad news, my SO and I parted ways tonight. I know it wasn't a very long time to be in a relationship, only a few months but it was nice to have a someone with common interests. The calmest break up I've ever had to be honest, even with us both crying. I think the stress with me losing a family member, money and going through surgery and a job along with my SO being in school and working built up to this. We haven't had much time spent via webcam or texting in almost a month and we both think it's not fair to continue this when we both are at different stages of what we want. I am only 19 and I'm not ready to get married and have kids like my SO does in the next few years ( he's older than me). I'm sure we'll keep in touch later on but now it's time for me to focus on myself and for my SO to focus on what he needs. I'm so glad to have been a part of this lovely community, it's been great