My SO and I have been together for a little over 3 years. We shifted to LDR when we both moved to different places for college. We're both originally from the West Coast and went to high school together. I'm in college in the South and he's on the East Coast. I've just been so frustrated lately because it feels like he ignores me. Neither of us can really talk during the day because we're both in school, and then usually both doing homework and studying until well after dinner. As soon as we're both free, though, he goes out to parties and bars with his friends! I understand that he wants to go out and have fun but he doesn't seem to get that I need some time from him, too. I've tried having this conversation multiple times and he always apologizes and says he'll give me more time to talk to him, but he never follows through. Ugh.
Sorry to rant, and I probably sound like a total teenager right now. I'm just at wits end, going crazy because I miss him.
Sorry to rant, and I probably sound like a total teenager right now. I'm just at wits end, going crazy because I miss him.