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slightly worried :/

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    slightly worried :/

    right so, long story short
    the summer, for my SO (natacha) srtarts in, 2 days. usualy we speek while shes at school, as she isnt allways allowed online while shes at home. and her laptop is given to her by her school. and now the summers comming, we might not be able to speek as much :/. this could possibly mean about 12 weeks of barley speeking :/ which is hard for ANY couple to go through :/ and, well, i can ring her for free practicaly, but only for 200 minuites a month, which im trying to find a way around. i just, i dunno, iff anyone has any surgestions or anything, on staying in contact or soemthing, pls post

    Skype will be your best friend you can add money and call landlines for so many cents a minute.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


      You could always try writing some letters to each other, and writing emails so that she can read them when she does manage to get online. That's just a few ideas. =) 12 weeks is a long time so I hope yous can find some way to communicate.


        i agree, skype is perfect for those kind of problems. Also, with gmx email, you can send texts for free.
        And i btw think letters are very romantic and a way of communicating with her when you cant actually talk to her
        Last edited by maja; June 1, 2010, 02:25 PM.


          i dont see much of a need for skype, as i can phone her for free practically, because of rebtell. and im not to sure about letters, she sent me one about a month and a half ago and it never reached me. so were a bit sketchy on that, but its an idea


            ehhh they say its only 200 minutes but you can go over that they just charge you to your bill, Skype you have to pay for :/


              i'd say letters.......and you can usually buy shipping insurance pretty cheap if its just a letter. and make sure you always put a return address on the back just in case. sorry to hear this is happening to you, but stay strong! you can do this!!! <333

              Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                jeez thats awful
                i agree with the others about skype and letters
                and i suggest she go around to a friends house maybe to go an use the internet... and definitely save up for a laptop or a notebook because they are cheaper if possible!
                good luck mate :/


                  Even something like an ipod touch has internet access that you can get for free with wifi. That might be more economic than buying a laptop or notebook if money is tight

