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Age difference

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    We're exactly one year and one week apart. My boyfriend's younger.
    Right now (my birthday was on Thursday, his is this coming Thursday) we're 'two' years apart and he makes fun of me for being old

    When I first met him it was a bit weird that he was born in the same year as my 'little' brother, but I got over it quickly.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      He's about 1 year & 4 months older than me.


        My SO is three years older than me, but it hardly makes a difference, aside from the fact that I'm 18 and he's 21. It's so funny though, we poke fun at each other over the age difference all the time!


          My SO is 5 months and 21 days older than me lol. He is 20 and I will be turning 20 in August.

          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


            Originally posted by Dylan313 View Post
            Katie is 2 years and one month older than I am. First relationship I've ever been in that I was younger than my girlfriend
            First relationship I've ever been in that I was older... We joke about my being a cougar sometimes (His mom said this as well )

            Sometimes it's more apparent than other times. Mostly though, I forget about it
            My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
            It's just me and you
            Put the pedal to the metal
            Baby, turn the radio on
            We can run to the far side of nowhere
            We can run 'til the days are gone


              Soo many with less than a year as age difference XD makes mine feel bigger...
              My SO is 10 years older than me.
              In the beginning I thought it was a bit embarrassing to tell others, but I got used to it. And to be honest I also feel like I connect a lot better with his age level, than guys my age.
              And of course... I also like to tease him about being older XD and we sometimes also find it funny that when he talks about his time in high school, I was still in preschool.


                My SO is 7 years and 3 months older... Quite a change since my two exes were younger than me

                “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


                  My boyfriend is 1 year and 9 months older than me.


                    My SO is just over 2.5 years older than me. It never seemed like much, except the first year we were dating when I was in a completely different school level from him. Though I guess it'll be like that again next year, since he's going to college. My friends are always shocked to find out he's 18, cause my SO looks 15. xD


                      6 months to the day if you consider time zone issues XD March 13 to Sept 12. Hehe. It's good. We both have the same maturity at this age and want the same things.


                        I'm a dork and I calculated it. He's 4 months and a week older than me. I'm more than fine with it because I have an age hang up. I'm only attracted to guys who are older than I am. I find out they're younger all attraction is gone. I'm either the only yonger girl he's dated, or one of very few, I forget. But he typically always dated older, even if it was only by a month.
                        ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
                        The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                          My SO is actually 1 year and 8 months younger than me We were in the same grade in school but he is younger


                            he's 6 years 11 months older than me. And like everyone else whose SOs a a lil bit older, i love teasing him.


                              He's 2.5 years older then me.


                                Im 29 (30 in September) and he's 41 this month.... no one believes me when i say how old he is because he really doesnt look it.

                                It's never really been an issue, it becomes apparent when we're talking about things we did when we were kids.
                                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

