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A million and one things.

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    A million and one things.

    Ever get that feeling? Where you wanna tell someone you love so deeply so many things and yet you don't know where to start?

    Past few weeks I've been struggling on and off with my depression and it's hit me hard. Chris traded his android phone for a 3DS with his dad and his friend told him within a week he'd have a replacement iPhone for him, but almost 2 weeks later it still hasn't arrived. We haven't spoken properly in ages and I'm missing him to the point of desperation and aching. A couple of weeks ago I did something totally stupid in my anguish and whilst it hasn't happened again, I've just been feeling continually down on and off and the pain in my chest I get has been potent, although I've hardly complained because I can't see the point in it. I'm scared that going to my doctor and talking about this sadness I feel incase she puts me on anti-depressants. I don't want that on my medical notes =/

    I feel him drifting away from me. I want to tell him how I feel, and that I know how he feels, and so much more, but I just don't know where to start. I feel numb, empty and almost defeated. I can cope with this, just I don't know what to do with myself.

    Help someone? :/

    I'm so sorry, sweetheart I don't want to say I completely understand what you're going through, because no two people are eve in the same situation, but I do know a little about depression. Honestly, I would make an appointment with a therapist. As much as you are afraid of getting put on medication, I promise, nipping it in the bud before it gets out of control is much more important. They may not even put you on medication and may just try and counsel you. I firmly believe that talking to someone else helps people realize their issues and work them out.

    I really hope everything gets better!


      I know how you feel. My now ex-girlfriend of long distance went to Germany once for 2 weeks and i felt like i was going to explode! what i found best to do and not to do is DO NOT listen to a bunch of sad music.. that makes it worse! haha
      Spend time with your friends or family and don't be by yourself this got me through the period of us not communicating but once a week haha

