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    this is rather a long story and ill try keeping it short, but i dont think thatll work out, so im sorry for the long post.

    So, its his mums 50th birthday in 2 weeks and ill be at his, so i asked her a couple of weeks ago, if there was anything shed like for her birthday, and she said she would like something like an iPod, but would be fine with anything and that is was very sweet of me to ask.
    So i talked to seby and suggested getting her an iPod nano 4GB with some songs and pictures that remind us of her already on it. That would make 70 € each. He totally freaked out and said thatd be worth more than what she had given him the last 3 years, which is a lie, she already gave him 150€ for xmas, which is already more than twice as much as he would have to pay. So i just said it was just an idea i thought was nice, but there were also loads of other things we could do or get for her. But then he got all stubborn and said he would buy one. I thought he only said this cos he was angry and wouldnt do it anyway once he has calmed down.
    But then when he came here 3 weeks ago, he had actually bought one and said its only MY present to her, he doesnt want the money back and he would get her something else. And i was a bit surprised and angry he had bought it without asking me and doesnt let me give him the money back. Yet again i thought he would calm down and everything would end up being fine and we would share and he woud eventually let me give him back the money.
    But yesterday he told me he had bught her some expensive perfume stuff and arghhhh, i didnt say anything cos i was still at school and didnt wanna argue.
    Then later on i said id like to bake her a cake, because i love cooking and baking and even more so with him. and he was all annoyed and just said "you already got her an iPod" -.- i just said that i didnt and that he did, and that i dont think its very nice of him to put me in this situation. ever since he ignored me for the rest of the day and today he acted like nothing ever happened and i jsut couldnt be arsed to bring it up again and argue.

    So what do i do now?
    Im really not comfortable with this, it is wayyy too much for a present from gf to her bfs mum and actually giving it to her would be awkward for her as well as for me, especially cos i havent paid for it.
    And he knows this and it is exactly what he is trying to do: making me feel bad and that it is too much to show me he was "right". But this is just such a stupid way of doing so and a complete waste of money.
    He wont return the perfume stuff and i cant return the iPod cos i 1. dont have the receipt and 2. he bought it in england anyway.
    I really dont know what to do anyone know a way out of this? Id be happy about any advice :/

    I think I'd start by sitting him down and asking him what the issue really is here. Because something seems really odd here. Perhaps he's uncomfortable with the idea that you're close with his mom? Maybe he's jealous? Maybe he thinks you should be spending your money on him instead? Really I have no idea, but it seems like there's something a bit more going on here. I doubt that he always acts like this much of a dick coz if he did you wouldn't be with him, so something must have touched a sore nerve for him.
    You can bring it up when you give him the money, if you need an opening. Remember to try and address this issue when you both have time and minimual distractions.
    good luck & carrots!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I think I'd start by sitting him down and asking him what the issue really is here. Because something seems really odd here. Perhaps he's uncomfortable with the idea that you're close with his mom? Maybe he's jealous? Maybe he thinks you should be spending your money on him instead? Really I have no idea, but it seems like there's something a bit more going on here. I doubt that he always acts like this much of a dick coz if he did you wouldn't be with him, so something must have touched a sore nerve for him.
      You can bring it up when you give him the money, if you need an opening. Remember to try and address this issue when you both have time and minimual distractions.
      good luck & carrots!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        i guess your right :/ i think its probably best to talk to him when im there...or maybe better on the fone :s thanks for you advice anyway

