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Never give up!

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    I second your sentiment, truly never give up! We went through a break as well, and it only made us a stronger couple. Congrats to you

    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
    -Miguel De Cervantes

    Read our story HERE


      This post made me so happy! My SO and I recently had a big argument and made up, so I know what you mean by the "never know what you have til its gone" thing. Congrats on being together so long and I wish you guys every happiness in life.


        Awwwh that's so great to hear! I'm very happy for you two


          haha this is such an old thread.
          But it made me feel a little bit better.
          I'm so down right now because things are not good between me and my SO.
          But we haven't broken up yet, so I keep my hopes up. And I hope we can work on it.
          It's good to read that after hard time, things that you've never expected can happen!
          I hope we will have such good luck as you guys!

