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My SO's sick and getting surgery...

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    My SO's sick and getting surgery...

    Oral surgery...but still, he has the imune system of a wet paper bag and now he has to have all his wisdom teeth removed :-(
    So he has some of virus (as always) and then the surgery.

    Pray for him please. He just got back from his first year at a really tough college. I just want him to be able to relax for once, he hasn't been able to all school year.

    (Also, I wanna cheer him up somehow, do you have any ideas?)
    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

    I'm not religious but I'll keep him in my thoughts. Wisdom teeth removal isn't fun. I remember when I had mine out. I ended up with a nasty sinus infection at the same time. Not fun. Maybe read to him over Skype or sing to him? That always helps me when I'm down. My SO isn't all that great at singing but it relaxes me so much.


      My Dad just had his done, he came home doped up but then by the end of the day he was okay. I'm sure he'll be okay! Maybe make him a card with pics of his wisdom teeth and a comic about them or something. "wow I sure am glad I don't have to smell his stinky breath anymore!" says bottom right wisdom tooth to the others as they go to the pearly white gates of toothland.


        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
        My Dad just had his done, he came home doped up but then by the end of the day he was okay. I'm sure he'll be okay! Maybe make him a card with pics of his wisdom teeth and a comic about them or something. "wow I sure am glad I don't have to smell his stinky breath anymore!" says bottom right wisdom tooth to the others as they go to the pearly white gates of toothland.
        Hehe that made me chuckle


          Sorry to hear that... I'll pray for him!


            I had my wisdom teeth out, and two implants drilled in, in February. I was miserable for a week and uncomfortable for a week longer. The person performing the procedure should prescribe him antibiotics (and painkillers! Those were the best part) so don't worry about him getting an infection. For 3 days all I could really do was sleep because the painkillers made me drowsy and nauseous. I felt a lot better though because my SO was on skype on my laptop beside me the whole time. I could wake up for a second, see he was there, and go back to sleep. My mouth was sewn up pretty good so I didn't talk for a couple days either. Just be quiet and understanding and there. When I felt up to it, my SO and I watched some stuff on Youtube together and that was really nice. Make sure he's eating and drinking and taking his medication. Help him follow the doctor's orders. Remind him that he will feel better soon and that no, this isn't going to be forever. That's it, really . Hope he gets well soon!


              I'll keep him in my thoughts. I hope he gets through ok.


                everything will be just fine im sure
                ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡

