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Good news!

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    Good news!

    I found out like a week ago that when my SO does move over to New Hampshire he will be actually moving to Meredith. Which is only about 30 minutes away! yay hehe It wont be considered long distance though anymore. Is it weird that I think I would miss the distance? I know its in the future, it wont be until maybe Christmas when he moves here but still I dont know why but I think I would miss it a bit. I have never had a close distance relationship before though, I am worried that I won't be good at it. Although I shall just leave the future in the future and not think about it. I just need to focus on what is happening now.

    Congratulations on getting to close the distance with your SO. I guess that it is normal to miss the LDR at times; visits can be fun, and it is a bit exciting to go to your SO's hometown. However, at least with close distance, you do get to do a lot more things together; you get to go out to places with your SO more, you can stay over his if you want, get to see him more often, etc. Keep a positive mind about it!


      I am so happy for you, and BTW...I am a LDR girl from NH too! Being CD is amazing, me and HBB only did it for 2 months on his long visit but it was perfection. Every moment flew by because being with him was heaven. Cherish it, CD only makes things easier

