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    i was wondering whether any of your pets react to your SO leaving?
    Cos my dogs always get rather sad and dont wanna play with me alone for a couple of days after he leaves, which i find rather cute
    So do any of your cats/dogs/birds/etc react similar?

    lately my cats are more snuggle bugs then normal!


      I know that when I go away, my cat doesnt leave my bedroom and cries/meow's? a lot. My mom will usually stop in to check on her, and says that Ellie gets pretty sad while I'm gone. Whenever I pull my suitcase out to start packing she gets very affectionate, like she knows I'm leaving.

      We have a dog at his place, and I know she misses me when I"m gone, but shes a lab and recovers quickly because there are too many other things to pay attention to!

      Now whenever my bf leaves my place Ellie is sooo happy! Haha he usually visits with our dog and Ellie hates that. Once the dog is gone she is back to her happy self.

      Wonder how they are both going to react when they start living together in 2 weeks, lol


        My cat, Annie, always hates when I leave the house in general. When I thought I was going to visit my boyfriend last week and had begun packing, she pouted and glared at me, refusing to come near me out of hurt. When it fell through and I spent the next two days crying, she was at my side. I can't imagine what she'd be like if he came and visited. She's never been around men.



          Our cat adores my husband (more so than me, I guess ). The first time he went abroad, she went to the door in the evenings and cried for him. Also, my mom took her for a while when my husband visited his family abroad (and I was abroad, too) and she said that every day at the same time (about the time my hb comes home from work), she'd start meowing. In the past few months before I left to study abroad, I was really busy with work and school, so our cat would spend much more time with my husband, so she surely missed him a lot when he was gone. Also, he plays with her and cuddles much more than I do (I don't like scratches on my hands and he spends much more time on the couch than I do! LOL) That's gonna change when I get home now, though, because I'm probably not going to work again (at least that's the plan), so I'll be home much more than I used to. I hope she warms to me again.


            My dogs absolutely love my SO. They whine more and mope around when he leaves, but then they hear rather quickly. LoL Much more quickly than I do.


              Well, the first time that I met my SO (which has been the only time so far), two of his four dogs were really affectionate with me; The other two, they're siblings, the male HATED me and the female just ran away from me when I tried to get close to her. xD

              After I left, I didn't exactly ask my SO if the dogs that liked me behaved any differently so I don't really know. But recently my SO told me that one of them had to be put down cause it had a tumor and I actually cried even though I only spent 6 days with them. My SO was crying as well since he actually was there when they put it down. It was his oldest dog. So sad. ;~;


                My dogs get a little mopey when he leaves, but his parent's dogs especially get sad when my SO heads back to his duty station.


                  umm its the other way around for me.. after we visited my parents my SO misses my dog and cant stop talking about her!


                    hahaha aww thats sweet


                      Originally posted by lpuckett View Post
                      umm its the other way around for me.. after we visited my parents my SO misses my dog and cant stop talking about her!
                      Haha my SO was the same exact way, when he came to my house he loved my dog so much he wanted to bring her back to Canada with him, but my dog missed him a lot when we left.

                      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

