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    This is just a rant, as per usual. I'm a little annoyed and bummed out because I see so many pictures of my friends on Facebook with their boyfriends/girlfriends, and I'm jealous that I can't hang out with mine. I have been seeing my friends a lot lately, and tonight I came home and just wanted to hang out with my SO, play video games, eat food, and just be together. I try to plan dates, but no matter how often I'm on here and looking things up to do, it all gets a little old. I don't have an Xbox so I can't play games with him, and that's pretty much all he does, so it's hard to find something we both enjoy over the phone. We've also tried online games, but neither of us are interested in them.

    We've watched every movie imaginable, and he's not very creative and always recommends watching a movie. I guess I'm just a little discouraged this week, but I'm sure I'll snap out of it. Just wondering what some of you do with your SO's that isn't just watching a movie.

    My two closest friends in the city I live in (basically the only people I ever really hang out with) are a 6 year couple -.- So cute and cuddly and just ZOMG I´m jealous!!!
    May I join the pity party?

    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
    -Miguel De Cervantes

    Read our story HERE


      I should join too. Everyone I frequently hang out with here at home seems to be living with their SO.

      There's a whole page on the site about things to do. Writing something together might be fun (a song, a story, you don't have to write it down just do as you would on a forum: you take a turn, then he does, then you and so on.)


        I understand how you feel. I work in a retail store and all I see is couples, young & old together. They'd hold hands and kiss help each other pick out clothes. Buy sexy lingerie together.....sigh. I hate CDR couples....At least I do while I'm in a LDR......
        Not to get clever
        but with you I see forever
        But whatever it is,
        Here's to you,
        I Love You Kid...


          No games to play online?? There's sooooo many multi-player games at your finger tips. Even though I wouldn't normally play battleship, or monopoly online, I could spend hours playing them with my SO and have a blast. Try out if you want some fun games to play.


            I totally feel your pain. One time I just got off fb cause it made me sad that I didn't have my SO here with me

            Also Zapookie, WHERE DID YOU FIND BATTLESHIP!?!?!?! My SO and I have looked forever for a way to play that online and found nothing.


              *joins pity party*
              At University, I share a room, and we're pretty close, and there's another girl who lives down the hall who we're also close to. They both have boyfriends, and while they're long distance, they're only a couple of hours, so their boyfriends visit every other weekend (although it's usually Friday - Tuesday.. so an extended weekend really.)
              If that's not depressing enough, I end up sleeping on other people's floors so I can give my roommate some privacy.
              If that's still not depressing enough, when their boyfriends aren't here, we all cook all our meals together, and when their boyfriends are here, obviously, we all cook seperately. It makes me doubly aware that I'm cooking for one.

              Anyway, in terms of finding stuff to do... I know it won't be a popular idea, but why don't you speak to your SO a bit less? Sometimes backing off from each other for a bit gives you time to do other things that you can talk about when you're together. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that jazz. By all means, find new things to do together, but in my experience, when things start getting old, a little space to miss my SO (and for him to miss me) gives the time we have together a better quality (quality>quantity -type thing).


                Originally posted by Biddlybiddlybombop View Post
                Anyway, in terms of finding stuff to do... I know it won't be a popular idea, but why don't you speak to your SO a bit less? Sometimes backing off from each other for a bit gives you time to do other things that you can talk about when you're together. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that jazz. By all means, find new things to do together, but in my experience, when things start getting old, a little space to miss my SO (and for him to miss me) gives the time we have together a better quality (quality>quantity -type thing).
                Dylan and I talked about this just last night! We've found our conversations are lacking and we're doing other things while Skyping and not really concentrating on the other person. I'm glad to find someone else mention it so I didn't feel like there was something wrong with us

                And Katylynlee, I've been discouraged lately too! Wanna blame it on the eclipse? I do I think (and this being my first LDR) that perhaps these relationships go in cycles... and maybe right now is a down time. An annoying, why-can't-my-SO-just-be-here time. One of my girlfriends WORKS with her SO... and they both work with me. :/ They just bought a house together and when I see them, it makes me sad and irritable.

                Glad to know I'm not alone... I'm off to do something happy... I hope

                Luv to you all, we can do this...
                My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
                It's just me and you
                Put the pedal to the metal
                Baby, turn the radio on
                We can run to the far side of nowhere
                We can run 'til the days are gone


                  This is the one reason I'm glad I don't currently live in the same town as any of my good friends...I don't have to endure their lovey-dovey-togetherness while I'm pining away.

                  Originally posted by corrda00 View Post
                  Also Zapookie, WHERE DID YOU FIND BATTLESHIP!?!?!?! My SO and I have looked forever for a way to play that online and found nothing.
                  Yahoo Games has a battleship game. I think it has a different name - Naval Command, or something - but it's the same thing. I've played it with my SO before. Yahoo has a lot of other multiplayer games, too.



                    I know how you feel, many of us too.
                    Last friday we went to see The avengers.
                    Mind you I saw it in canada, he saw it in the US :P
                    We went on the same day nearly at the same time (yes its cheesy).
                    I even took a pic with my phone of the popcorn and candy tray and ask him what he would like if he was here with me :P

                    A part of me was finding this funny and kinda cute.
                    A part of me wanting to just sit and cry because the seat next to me was empty and would have chopped an arm off for him to be next to me.

                    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                      Sigh... I know how you feel. My SO profile still says he's single and mine still says it's complicated. He hasn't been on since he left so he hasn't had a chance to update it and I'm not updating mine without him. Another thing that makes me insanely jealous (in a good way) is all the pics on here with the posters and their SO. It is on my to do list to get one with the both of us and post it. In the mean time I'm going to live vicariously through all of you.


                        Ugh I feel this too. My sister and my best friend are both in relationships and I always feel a twinge of jealousy when I see them together. (Especially my sister and her SO, since he's always invited to family functions - though to be fair, when I was CDR my SO was always invited too.)
                        ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
                        ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

                        ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


                          I feel this too sometimes. I get a bit jealous of my friends who are in a CDR. I also work at a place called Panera, and see young and old couples there all the time, ordering food together, talking together in line, and giving pecks to each other. This Panera is also located in the mall, so when I get off work, I wander around the mall and see the same thing all over. It just reminds me when my SO was down here.... we would hang at that very mall together. Sometimes, it is sad to think about, and other times, it is nice to think about. The sooner I see my SO again the better. :P


                            do you have any pictures of the two of you together? if so post them on fb so you can ogle them.


                              Awww honey I understand that feeling too! When I began uniersity most of my friends were single and now they are all finding their lovey doveys and I just watch them hang out, give presents to each other, etc. I have a friend whos SO gets surprise stuff for her all the time and goes leave it to our classroom asking us to give it to her when she arrives. Sooo many cutesy stuff around that I'd like to live too...

                              Then I see the other side of it... and while it is still cute and i'd like to have a CDR, I've seen that there are also things to envy from an LDR. For example ridiculously romantic meetings at the airports :P even it it is only twice a year. Or being old styled and send letters from your loved one, having objects with a deep meaning other than "and he gave me this in valentine's". I also believe LDRs know how to appreciate the physical aspect (meaning not only sex but also small things like holding hands) a lot more than CDRs. There are friends of mine who say they would never like an LDR, but they "envy" the romance that I can get from it.

