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Missing my girlfriend :(

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    Missing my girlfriend :(

    She was supposed to come tomorrow. I bought her a plane ticket and everything, BUT she got a really good opportunity to get an internship with a friend which I think will help her get a job when she moves in with me in August.

    The thing is that June would be a busy month for her. I had things planned out. I told my coworkers to delay a BBQ because she was coming into town. Now that she isn't coming I just have this bottled up frustration from us not being able to enjoy our company, enjoy great sex, and spend quality time in our relationship.

    The good news is that August is around the corner. I mentioned in another plan where I hate making plans and they fall apart. I want to direct my frustration to someone, mainly my GF, but it isn't fair. I did in April/May when she said she would have to move out later and I was thinking how could she do this to me.

    She talked to me a few days ago worried about us and feeling rushed with everything and said that she feels if we weren't together that we would be fine. I stand by what I told her now: If we are apart it would hurt me deeply, but I can't get in the way of your goals as much as I want us to be together. I just hate that she CAN'T see me before she starts her last semester of school and the internship got in the way. I told her I sometimes feel like I don't have any friends on my side when it comes us to being together (which isn't entirely true I'm just hurt).

    I haven't posted in a while but I have been busy with things in my own life at work and trying to plan things with us together. I seriously feel disheartened and angry when setbacks come in the way. How do you all manage?
    Last edited by Biscous; May 21, 2012, 11:41 PM.

    August isn't really that far away, why not focus your attention on how you'll be closing the distance and moving in with her in under three months! It isn't like she doesn't want to come see you, shes been offered a great opportunity and being supportive towards her and not saying things out of anger will go a long way.


      I think you are overreacting a little.
      As you said yourself, August is around the corner and then you'll be together for good
      I understand your frustration. I'd be a bit upset that I was looking forward to a trip and then it wouldn't happen. I think you know all this yourself: the reason because she isn't coming is because she wants a life with you and that internship will bring her a step closer to it. So you need to understand that this little short term frustration ultimately leads into something you will profit from in the long term.

      I also get the feeling, correct me if I'm wrong, that you put quite a lot of unecessary pressure on her. I honestly think you are a bit too controlling and demanding and if I was your girlfriend I'd get second thoughts here. She is doing everything she can to move to you (which will be, remember, very soon!) and you still aren't satisfied so you shouldn't be surprised now about her remarks that she feels like you're better when you're not together.
      You should calm down, sit back and give her some space. Otherwise you'll keep pushing her away.
      I don't know if there is anything else going on that causes you feeling insecure. If there is, you should talk to her about it but otherwise you need to stop worrying and look forward to your life together


        just relax... take a deep breath. your girlfriend is moving in with you in August. she's gotta take care of her business first, so let her do what she needs to do. you don't want to push her away. it kinda feels like if you're not careful this might happen. many of us here would love to close the distance with our SOs. you are so don't blow it!


          Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
          I think you are overreacting a little.
          As you said yourself, August is around the corner and then you'll be together for good
          I understand your frustration. I'd be a bit upset that I was looking forward to a trip and then it wouldn't happen. I think you know all this yourself: the reason because she isn't coming is because she wants a life with you and that internship will bring her a step closer to it. So you need to understand that this little short term frustration ultimately leads into something you will profit from in the long term.

          I also get the feeling, correct me if I'm wrong, that you put quite a lot of unecessary pressure on her. I honestly think you are a bit too controlling and demanding and if I was your girlfriend I'd get second thoughts here. She is doing everything she can to move to you (which will be, remember, very soon!) and you still aren't satisfied so you shouldn't be surprised now about her remarks that she feels like you're better when you're not together.
          You should calm down, sit back and give her some space. Otherwise you'll keep pushing her away.
          I don't know if there is anything else going on that causes you feeling insecure. If there is, you should talk to her about it but otherwise you need to stop worrying and look forward to your life together
          Eh not controlling. I overthink a lot. I just vocalize it on here

          I told her that this changes nothing and that I'm here for her, waiting. I joked that I will start MMA to let my frustration out lol. I do overthink things a lot and tend to want things to go perfectly together, but I also told her that I fully support her and told her if she needs help on anything (part of the internship is some of my expertise). So you're right guys!


            I know that feel....
            I'm moving out next weekend and my bf was suppose to make it here to help me out and be with me.
            And a few weeks ago he told me his boss refused his vacations and also he wasn't too able on the money side to come visit right now.
            I had told my friends that they could finally meet him, everyone was so happy to finally see my man.
            And well, I miss him terribly, I was so happy he was coming soon.
            And now.... I have to wait longer.

            It's harsh, but keep strong! : )
            And on a happier note, seems you will see her soon so be a lil more patient, she's almost there.
            I don't even know when I'll see my man again

            Cheer up!
            ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


              I understand! my SO was supposed to visit me this summer,to meet my family and friends and see my world. But then he told me how he applied for a good job and if he gets it he will maybe just come for 4 weeks and not 2 months or so.. I was a bit frustrated but in the end fine..well he got this job but NO vacation at all. he can't come so we decided that I will. I am sad that he won't be able to meet my family but in the end I'm happy that I can see him at least!that's the most important!plans change,cause it's life. Nowadays we have to be flexible and find different ways to reach our goals. So let her get things ready and be happy that you are going to close the distance

