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From bestfriends to couple.

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    From bestfriends to couple.

    So there i was just wasting time on Lineage II and i meet this fun guy from Belgium. Next thing i know, it's been almost 5 years, he's my best friend, he's the only person i can actually talk with, and i can't seem to picture my life without him. We always seem to get closer and closer, each time, both being surprised how this happens over and over again. We fit so well, and for years all of our families and mutual friends have kept asking why aren't we together yet.

    We came to the realization that we both love each other, and we would love to have a relationship together (i had a 2y3m LDR before; and he simply can't understand the idea of an LDR, and he has never really been in love).

    Our problem right now is on/off feelings. One moment we're a happy couple and the next it just feels weird saying "i love you"s because we're feeling as being best friends. Then a few hours later we both get that warm fuzzy feeling and start calling each other sweet names.

    We have explored every possibility and it seems that our hearts are in the right place but our heads keep saying it's a bad idea. We don't feel awkward at all towards one another, so that's not the issue. He is willing to drop his "NO TO LDRs" and i am willing to start again with the horrible wait in between meetings. But we still can't fully feel in love, except in short bits of about 5-30mins.

    I was wondering if anyone has gone through the transition to couple after a long friendship. Were you ever in the situation of wanting badly to be a couple and yet still something pulling you back?
    Last edited by rina; May 24, 2012, 11:01 AM.

    i can relate
    I met my SO from a social netwrking site, and we both were from the same country. we were friends, and then best friends, i have been best friends with him for almost 7 months, but i had to leave the country for study purposes. i met him before i left.
    we continued being the best of friends for another one year and 3 months, so i have been frindsds with him for 2 whole years. whn i went to my own country for a holiday, i met him again and we both just knew we wanted to be ours forever. but we had the distance. and yes the first phase of transition from best firnds to lovers is a very confusing time peroid. it feels funny to call your best firnd honey or love, it just is a bit difficult to get used to actually. and it was just like that when you said there is warm fuzzy feelings that last for 5 to 30 mins. thats true its happenns. that happens during the first phase of the relationship. and its very very normal.
    in my heart even when we were firends i knew i wanted to be with him and only him :P
    if you feel that you really only want to be with this person, and u want to marry him and only want to be faithful to him, you should go for it. feeling a bit awkward about how u feel for him now is normal, it will soon pass away.
    but if wanting to be a couple with him is something that you are thinking about, and if ur feelings for him is on the fence, if your decision is being influenced by othrs who *think* you look great togther, maybe you should think twice about it and just see do i see him in my life in the next maybe 5, 10 years? do u want to marry him? just look at the big picture for now. if you feel yes, then go for it.


      Thank you for the reply. Well we can't visualize how our lives would be without each other in them (this was happening even when we were friends) and we kind of talked about being roommates (when we were friends too), and we definitely want to be part of each other's lives. I guess we just need the physical contact, which we'll get in roughly a month, to make us realize we're not just friends anymore.


        Great thats how I felt for my SO as well just knew that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with when you meet you ll feeel the sparks make sure to enjoy every moment with him and just be you whats great than having ur best friebd as your partner hope you have an amzing time when you guys meet all the best

