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Do you say "I love you" when you argue?

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    I wonder when we'll have our first argument. I'm scared of it already, haha


      "I love you" usually closes our arguments. That's how we make sure everything's settled.
      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


        Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
        We don't, actually. We typically say "I love you" after though, once everything's been sorted.
        Same . When we argue, we both get really defensive obviously. Sometimes I try thinking with a clear head and taking a deep breadth. We never finish an argument without saying I love you though. It kinda breaks the tension and gets us to start talking about how to fix the problem.


          We do most of the times, it's more like we feel so annoyed with each other, (okay, I'm annoyed with him...), but it's usually a discussion about really small insignificant things, so I just HAVE to say that I love him sometimes because otherwise I feel awful. I don't think I'd do that if it was a really serious thing, though. He gets really insecure when I'm annoyed or upset so he'll always ask me if I still love him. Even though he knows I do.


            We often talk about how unconditional our loves is. I feel that even in an argument I have never had any problems saying the phrase. My SO though could not inspire of how much he brags how unconditional his love is.


              I relate to this too. I've had a few arguments with my SO but we talk about it and we do throw the "I love you" in between, and it usually helps a lot by the way. I grew up with both sides... so I've seen what works better, and for me, this works.


                We don't either. We say it afterwards, but not during a fight.

                Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                Very rarely there's shouting. I think we've raised our voices maybe three times? And we don't throw things, slam things or act childish. We also notice how the couples around us deal with their disagreements and feel lucky that we have such a strong base of communication. I do call him names though, and he very calmly tells me not to, bless his soul.

                The thing I like most when we argue though is that fact that no matter what gets said or how long it takes us to come to an outcome there's never the risk that he will leave me for something I say. I never have the fear that if I don't hold back I'll be alone. It's lovely to have that security.
                This. I'm hopeless at fights (I know it's something I need to work on and I guess it has become better, but still). I yell, I'm unfair. I don't know how to talk things through calmly. I suck at communicating when I'm angry.
                My boyfriend's the proverbial angel, though. He just tells me very calmy that he doesn't like to get yelled at and that it makes him sad. Which usually makes me realize that I was being unfair

                And also the 2nd paragraph. That security is wonderful.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

