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Relationship Starting To Fade Out

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    Relationship Starting To Fade Out

    I'm new to this site and its been 3 weeks that I've been in a LDR with my SO. Lately we just haven't been talking as much as usual. Before entering into a LDR with him, we used to spend time together almost all the time and so it was difficult transitioning into this. But now, I'm dealing with the distance and it's been fine until recently. We haven't talked in 3 days and I know that may not seem like a long time, but I feel like communication is very important since it's the only thing we have now. He doesn't like to talk on the phone much but when he does, we get to talk for maybe an hour or two if he calls multiple times in a day and you add up all the small talk sessions that we have.

    I feel like I can't even talk to him anymore. He barely picks up the phone and doesn't return my calls or texts. His reasoning is that he's enjoying his summer, hanging out with friends, he's busy or he's not by his phone all the time. This reasoning really upsets me because I know we can't talk all the time but I feel like a simple text here and there isn't asking for much, or even a phone call. One phone call a day to me is reasonable, but I haven't been hearing from him.

    I don't want to constantly call him either and seem like I need him to talk to me. And I wonder if I'm making a big deal out of nothing? The last time we talked, we had a great conversation and he brought up visiting me. But now all of a sudden it seems like he's "too busy" for me. I don't know how to approach him and voice my concerns about this. I also tried calling him today and he did pick up and said he was watching a movie and would call me back, but he never called back. So I called him back later instead, and he didn't pick up. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do about it really. I'm just really frustrated with the lack of communication. The only bright side to it all is that randomly last night I received a text from him saying "I love you!" and that's all. I did text back telling him I love him too and also sent a text the next morning but never heard from him. So I don't know if I'm making a big deal and I also don't want to voice my opinion to strongly and push him away. I just don't know what to do. Advice/support please?

    What me and my SO did was set a time every day where we could talk. For us, it was at bedtime. Some days we'd talk for hours. Other days, when we were busy, it'd only be for a few minutes. But that meant we'd never go days without talking, and it made our daytime texts a lot less pressured and more conversational. If you guys have a time when you are both available, you should try that. That way he doesn't feel obligated to you during the day, and you don't feel abandoned.

    More than anything, though, you have to tell him how you feel. And don't accuse him of anything. Just tell him that you feel you need more time with him. It can be really hard to transition to LD, and not everyone has the same long distance needs. You guys just need to talk about it and figure out something that will work for the both of you.

    Good luck!
    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
    LD again: July 24, 2012
    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
    Married: November 1, 2014
    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015



      We did have a time set up before he got a job. Now that he's working, we haven't been able to set up a consistent time everyday. The time that we try to talk is during his commute to and from work which is about 20-30 mins. I finally did get the chance to talk to him today about it when he picked up. The conversation turned into him saying I'm complaining about not talking enough and that he just needs space. Finally did get him to realize that we haven't talked in days and since we don't see each other that he has been getting plenty of space. We are now trying to go back to the compromise of talking for an hour a day. He says he just needs time to adjust and that some days we won't talk but that he loves me, and he acknowledged that he hasn't been trying hard lately but he will get better.

