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Bittersweet ending

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    Bittersweet ending

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Well here's the reason.

    Zak, my SO and I have mutually decided to quietly cut off our relationship. No fights, no tears, oddly enough, we both felt alright about it; we felt it was for the best, given the way our lives are going (in very very different directions).

    Yes, with the big picture of the short time we spent together is bitter to remember, but the fact that we've been able to come out of this still friends and able to keep in touch without anything being awkward...I wish every relationship destined to fail (heaven forbid) had this kind of civil ending.

    Perhaps this is just a sign that I'm growing up. But since I'm no longer in an LDR, I suppose I'll be closing my account. I'll surely keep in touch with those I've gotten to know on here and I wish everyone the best in their journey. I realize now how much work one has to put into an LDR and I applaud those of you who are determined to see it through. Zak and I just weren't meant to be any more than friends.

    I love you all and thanks for being there for me, through the tears and the laughs (which there have been quite a few of :-) )


    And even though it all went wrong
    I'll stand before the Lord of Song
    With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

    awwww but im glad u guys had an ok break up like u said, a civil one.
    i didnt get to know u but i wish u the best of luck always, take care girl


      hey im glad it ended well and i agree i wish relationships that ends would end in an amicable way.
      Good luck in whereever youre headed : )


        They say a good closure makes a good beginning!

        I am sorry it didn't work out for you.
        The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

        Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


          I'm so sorry hon! I read about your communication issues, and although I'm not surprised, I'm so glad you were able to end it amicably. That's such a blessing for relationships; I hope you find the love you are searching for, and wish you (both) the best and every happiness!

          Much love!
          "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


            I'm sorry things didn't work out between you guys, but I'm glad you managed to go your separate ways as friends. Here's wishing you all the best for the future! Take care


              i m so sorry but its great that you guys could break if off and still be good friends i wish you all the best


                Sorry to read the news but I wish you both the best.


                  I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out with you guys...but if a relationship must end, you really can't ask for a better ending than that! Glad to hear it's been a relatively painful process. Good luck to both of you in the future!


                    I am glad that you were able to work through it and not end in a fight (as so many of relationships do...). You have my email, feel free to continue to message me if you want. I'll be there for you.

                    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                    Progress: Complete!

                    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                    Progress: Working on it.


                      I'm sorry things have ended between you, but I wish you all the best for the future! I'm very glad you two can still be friends


                        Sorry to hear thing didn't work out, but glad to hear you two were mature about it. Best of luck in the future and even though we didn't too much on here, feel free to shoot me a message whenever.

