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    Yay! That's really great to hear, I wish you all the best!


      Yay That's great! You should, like.. get a happy divorce cake and invite the girls around
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Yayyy! I'm so happy for you!

        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014




            Yay!! Congrats, and good luck with your plans for your wedding You must be so excited!!

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              hahah grats~!
              I don't think i ever saw someone that happy to divorce :P
              Best wishes and lots of love for your new wedding!
              ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                I'm so freaking excited it's untrue!

                There is a small part thats sad. In hindsight i really shouldnt have married my Ex in the first place, i did it because i felt it was the right thing to do as we had 2 beautiful children. My Ex is still hurting from it all and i feel bad for being happy it's over.

                Well, its done now and i cant change it so im off to the pub to celebrate with my mate tonight and no doubt texting my SO drunk ramblings later!

                Thanks again for all the well wishes, Love this place sooo much.
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  Congrats!! I hope you two have a long and happy life together.


                    Congrats sweetheart!!! Best wishes as you start on this new life journey, and I'm happy you're happy.
                    "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                      i cant wait until i get my divorce done too, its taking for ever!


                        moving on to greener pastures!


                        time to be happy again.... well done!
                        The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

                        Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


                          Congrats. My ex did the filing for divorce. Here in Australia you have to be legally separated for a year and a day. The divorce part was easy. The custody/property stuff is still ongoing. I'm going to stay unmarried for a good while I think.


                            My ex dragged his feet with everything, he consented to the divorce but wrote shitty letters to my lawyer about my SO and was a nightmare when it came to the kids which dragged it on. He even tried to stop my SO staying with me and the children, got his lawyer to "threaten" me by saying they would mention it in court at a residency hearing.... blew up in his face.
                            I've told my SO he better be sure he wants to marry me because i am not going through another divorce!

                            Good luck to everybody waiting for the paperwork..... it'll all be over soon!
                            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

