Just a really simple question, im going to meet my SO this summer, i just want to know what to expect emotion wise.
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first meetup expirence
Emotionally you guys are gonna be a mess :P
When I first met my SO my heart was racing, I was so nervous and excited and blissed out that I could hardly speak I swear it felt like my emotions were on a roller coaster. Of course it was the best experience of my life and I was incredibly happy but sometimes I just felt a little overwhelmed. Nothing I can say will probably help you much, I read what everyone said about meeting for the first time and it didn't prepare me in the least bit, but I can tell you one thing, there's nothing like it in the world. It is honestly the best feeling I've ever felt and it's something you'll only feel once, of course all following visits make you nervous and excited but there's nothing like seeing your SO for the first time
get ready to be overwhelmeddd :P
its gonna be the best experience of your life, so brace yourself. emotion wise, you ll be on cloud 9, but your emotions will be a a mix of everything. you are in for a lot of laughter and yes also a lot of tears
i cried for one whole day the day i had to leave him to come back home
so emotion wise, dont expect your emotions to act normal. and its okay. thats how it isbe ur self and just take in everything and dont worry u ll be fine
its gonna be a great experience
and lot of fun
I was sick, so freaking sick, on the plane on the way to meet Obi, and before then I was more terrified of flying than of meeting him... so, by the time I wheeled my giant suitcase out to the waiting area, I didn't give a shit who I was meeting lol. It helped with the nerves.
I don't think anyone can tell you what you'll feel because we're all different, but whatever it is, it's usually all good!
There are a few other threads the same as this one, so have a search for them, for the older stories of inspiration.Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
It'll be different for everyone.. but for me, my first meeting with my SO was so perfect... when we saw each other he opened his arms right away to hug me and that made all the difference, wiped away the nerves, and we hugged and it was so perfect. My advice to is to enjoy every moment with them and don't worry when you have to leave.. having a tentative plan like "next summer" will help, and also the knowledge that you'll be able to speak online when you get back is always good. Take care and have a great first meeting
I too think the experience will be different for everyone; the first time I met my SO offline I felt embarrassed and awkward more than anything else! We had no longer than an hour together on that occasion, but by the time I saw him again a few days later the initial shyness had melted awayTry not to overthink it. You'll be fine whatever happens! Have a fab time
Oh and just as a warning expect a crash once the visit is over, I know it hits most of us here really hard of course it would though you go from the ultimate high to the ultimate low in a short period of time. Not to scare you off or anything but I figured it be a fair warning.