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2 years CloseDR but now 6 years LDR...

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    2 years CloseDR but now 6 years LDR...

    By the time we have to go our seperate colleges and countries we will have been in a relationship where we live only 20mins or so away from each other for 2 years. When she leaves she will be going to Slovakia, I am from the UK and we will both be students with no spare money and I come from a not well off family and her family is quite well off but the fees for her foreign university are massive (£thousands per term!) so we basically cannot visit each other more than once a year which will most likely be at christmas when we're supposed to spend time with our family. Also, her course (dentistry) is for 6 years so even after my 4 year course I'd be working for a couple of years before we were together properly again because I couldn't move there, the only thing that would get better is maybe I could visit a little more often (return flights to Slovakia from UK are £hundreds!). Anyway, I've tried looking in examples and other sites around the internet and cannot find anything even close to the difficulty I think this implies.
    I was once a member of a forum on a pepakura art site and the community there was amazingly strong, this is my second forum experience and I hope it's the same here, I have good feelings about it
    Thanks for reading it and I hope you will help me

    Welcome to LFAD and I hope it offers just as much useful advice as the other forum! I'm not sure on the fares and how they run going between both places but you can try to search on on the travel sites...Some good ones are,priceline, any of the airline websites, orbitz, kayak, vayma...there are a lot of different places to search so hopefully you all can figure something out and not have to spend so much time apart! Good luck


      Welcome and going from CD to LD sucks, but you can get it to work even though you won't be able to see each other a lot. My guy and I became LD at the end of April this year and i'm seeing him this month and then I won't see him again until September so I understand how you feel.

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        Originally posted by dynomitegurl View Post
        Welcome to LFAD and I hope it offers just as much useful advice as the other forum! I'm not sure on the fares and how they run going between both places but you can try to search on on the travel sites...Some good ones are,priceline, any of the airline websites, orbitz, kayak, vayma...there are a lot of different places to search so hopefully you all can figure something out and not have to spend so much time apart! Good luck
        I have searched and searched and the cheapest flights are always over £200 which is way way way out of both our budgets. There is no way


          200£ is not that much when you think about it over a whole year (save a few bucks a day, skip going out with friends every once in a while). So you can probably make it at least 2 visits per year. And you each only have to pay half of the ticket cause you are both getting the benefit.


            i would also check easyJet and ryanair etc. They have loads of flights to the balkan states and are really cheap. I only discovered that 6 months ago and it has helped me lots, we now get to see each other every 1-2 months
            also try


              6 years? That's got to be tough! I can't imagine waiting that long as an adult. You've got more courage than me! But, if you both really want to make it work then six years is nothing compared to the rest of your lives and you'll surely get through ^^ And of course, we'll all be here for you.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Welcome to LFAD! This really is a supporting and comforting community, you couldn't have found a better place to get advice on your relationship. You are not alone in your situation!

                I was also gonna suggest Ryanair and EasyJet, they have ridiculously cheap flights to everywhere (for example my guy is from UK and the flights from Manchester to Finland are cheaper than the flight from Finland's capital city to the nearest city to me), definitely check them out.

                £200 must seem a lot to pay at once but like lpuckett said, if you spare a few pounds over the year hear and there you will get it in no time! Also ask if someone could lend you a little and you'd pay back when you're working. There's helpful people all around us if we just let them know we need them!

                Good luck with your LDR and don't be a stranger


                  Originally posted by lpuckett View Post
                  200£ is not that much when you think about it over a whole year (save a few bucks a day, skip going out with friends every once in a while). So you can probably make it at least 2 visits per year. And you each only have to pay half of the ticket cause you are both getting the benefit.
                  Originally posted by maja View Post
                  i would also check easyJet and ryanair etc. They have loads of flights to the balkan states and are really cheap. I only discovered that 6 months ago and it has helped me lots, we now get to see each other every 1-2 months
                  also try
                  Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                  Welcome to LFAD! This really is a supporting and comforting community, you couldn't have found a better place to get advice on your relationship. You are not alone in your situation!

                  I was also gonna suggest Ryanair and EasyJet, they have ridiculously cheap flights to everywhere (for example my guy is from UK and the flights from Manchester to Finland are cheaper than the flight from Finland's capital city to the nearest city to me), definitely check them out.

                  £200 must seem a lot to pay at once but like lpuckett said, if you spare a few pounds over the year hear and there you will get it in no time! Also ask if someone could lend you a little and you'd pay back when you're working. There's helpful people all around us if we just let them know we need them!

                  Good luck with your LDR and don't be a stranger

                  I checked the budget airlines above before anyone mentioned them, I am not just asking as though I haven't already looked, I was coming to this site with my situation as a last resort, I've called airlines personally and there is nothing anyone can do, I've thought about all of the above things and agree with them all but there is no hope with getting anything cheaper and I feel like a fool for not thinking about putting a pound in a pot everyday and maybe just maybe I could get a flight once a year. She can't pay half cos she will be tens of thousands of pounds (double and a bit in dollars) in debt when she leaves and it will be upto me to try and get a job when I get out of uni and save up to buy us a place for when she comes back home and get her out of debt cos she will be the main breadwinner when she comes back and becomes a dentist as they earn loads over here which is why it is such a competitive degree to get into hence why slovakia is the last hope, also the reason I am going to let her go to slovakia is she wanted to be a dentist since she was little and cried for weeks when she got rejected by UK universities even with her straight As and work experience in a dental practice, I won't let her give up her dream. She'll come back to me


                    Don't dispare my friend, it's just the nature of everyone here to give advice, because we all just want to make things better
                    but, whilst visits are a wonderful thing, you can have an exciting fulfilling relationship at a distance too ^^ even on a budget.
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

