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Back ; ^ ; ((First meeting, details))

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    Back ; ^ ; ((First meeting, details))

    Okay, guys, I'm finally back. =/

    I hate coming back. Back is uncomfortable and sweaty and hot and judgmental. There is what feels like home.

    However, I doubt y'all clicked on this thread to read about me complaining, huh? Didn't think so. So I'll get to the good part.

    Saturday - May 29th, 2010
    My friends drove me to the airport that morning. Of course they were cautioning me about all the horrible things that could go wrong because, "He's a boy!" u.u But it was still fun, singing along with K-Pop songs while barreling down the highway toward the airport. I got through security no problem and was majorly nervous on that first flight but, after take off, it didn't turn out to be so bad. Actually, I kinda liked take off. It was fun. However, the baby screaming in the back of the flight was not so fun, lol. When I got to Toronto the people were not so friendly and were mostly rude. ^^; but that was okay since I found my gate no prob and customs didn't give me any trouble. ("Where are you from?" "Texas." "What is your purpose in visiting?" "Visit a friend and a university." "Okay, go through.")

    The second flight was less nervewracking until, of course, it was like 10 minutes to landing and I started thinking about all the things that could go wrong. ^^;; Typical. But it was snowing when I got to Edmonton! Wow, I didn't expect it but I thought it was amazing. >w< I was so excited I forgot about my nervousness and started spouting to the Edmonton couple sitting by me about how wonderful snow was. They laughed and asked where I was from. I told them Texas and they smiled knowingly. Thankfully I brought my jacket along. Anyway, I got into the terminal, gave my mom a call to let her know I was fine, and then gave Alex a call to tell him I got there. However, the call quality was horrible and he couldn't hear me so we hung up but, immediately, I got to the end of the escalator and I saw him standing over by the chairs to the left. He looked so handsome there, but he told me later he was soooo nervous. So I went over there, rather bashfully (as I wasn't exactly sure what to do) and gave him a hug. He hugged back and we exchanged greetings, then went over to get some Tim Horton's since I hadn't eaten since the morning. He bought me a chicken wrap and a water bottle (my request) and he ordered a peach drink and a maple donut.

    For a little bit we sat in the little cafe area and just talked. I couldn't stop smiling and I don't think he could, either. We finished eating, threw the trash away, and then he told me he'd taken a shuttle to the airport, not his car, so we had to wait for the shuttle again. We waited inside as it was below freezing and I just had a flimsy jacket. He teased me to no end about not being able to stand the cold but he was such a gentleman at the same time. He carried one of my bags for me (he wanted to carry two but I refused, I only had two afterall), paid for my food, and accommodated my climate preference. We just stood together, staring out of these giant window-walls into the roadway, waiting for our shuttle to come back. Every once in a while I looked over at him and smiled again, then quickly hid my face for I felt the heat creep into my cheeks and I knew he'd tease me even more if he saw my blush.

    Still, as I rambled on about something that really didn't matter but helped me not feel so nervous, I felt his arms encircle my waist from behind. Surprised, I stopped talking, blushing and tongue-tied, and looked, astonished, at the faint reflection of us in the window. He nuzzled my neck and pulled me back against him, whispering, "Mine." Then he smiled and let go, walking around front of me again and said, "Your face is red." Heh. We held each other gently until the shuttle came around and we ran out to it, getting drenched in snow. >w<

    We reached the hotel and he led me up to our room. We put my stuff down as he bashfully offered that, if I wanted, he'd sleep in the separate, smaller bed so as not to make me feel uncomfortable and I shook my head and told him I'd like to sleep in the same bed. Then we talked a little bit about kissing as he pulled me to him. He said, "Let's try, then." He leaned in, I did too, and he began to kiss me. The first time I wasn't sure what to do so that was a bit of a disaster, but then he laughed and said I shouldn't worry about it as it was the first time and he thought I'd actually done fairly well. He suggested we practice a bit more and we did. We kissed quite a bit more and that began to lead to things I wasn't comfortable with yet so he stopped immediately when I asked him. Then he climbed into bed with me and we just cuddled and he stroked my hair and kissed me gently. I told him that I was all his...he shook his head and said, on the contrary, that he was all mine. I asked if we couldn't have it both ways and he said he supposed we could. >w< We fell asleep in each other's arms and that was the start of the first night of restful sleep I've had in years. Well...not just restful sleep...also quite a bit of wonderful things.

    btw, just wanted to let y'all know, the res of the week went wonderfully but my brain is too shattered to write it well. It was bloody horrible to say goodbye this morning and I couldn't stop crying at all on the flights home. so tomorrow I'll pick up where I left off. hopefully sober minded. but we know we love each other (at least)


      Awe that sounds really sweet and that's a good first meeting. Also Tim Horton's chicken wraps = <3, also their french vanilla hot smoothies are amazing as well =3. Also I have to agree that the people in Toronto aren't very nice including some of the customs agents (I got one who was extremely rude to me and I wanted to tell him how I felt, but alas I couldn't because he determined if I got into Canada or not >:{).

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        I had a feeling things were going to go well between you two. I'm so glad I was right. I'm sorry about the whole leaving thing. It's never easy @_@. I'm not generally a cryer, but even I can't help but cry every damn time too. Take your time telling us things. I'll be here waiting patiently, with the shotgun :'D.


          Awww that's so beautiful. I hated saying goodbye too.


            awwww told ya it would work out beautifully and see he's not gonna rush you into anything your not comfortable with yet


              oh oh oh I am sooo glad to hear this! This is so sweet...see you had nothing to worry about Yay! I can't wait to hear more. I am so happy for you girl!


                awwww...more details excited to hear more. im so glad that u met him already! =)


                  Aww! I am really glad you had a good time and things worked out well!

                  Can't wait to read more


                    Aww! I am really glad you had a good time and things worked out well!

                    Can't wait to read more


                      I'm glad your first meeting was so good! EEE <3 first meet stories. Can't wait to read the rest ^^
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        Happy that your first meeting went wonderfully! The first day seems so sweet, I can only imagine the rest of your time! I definitely hated goodbyes as well. I think the first time he left after spending 3 weeks here I was a total mess, unfortunately the more time you spend together, I'd like to say it gets easier but with all the time you spend and getting use to having that person with you day in and day out it doesn't But I know, like everyone else here who is determined to make their LDR work so will you! Can't wait to hear the rest of your story. How long were you able to visit for? Oh and I have never been to the Toronto airport but all the places I have had flights into were pretty nice with the exception of the Philly airport.


                          Awwwww what a wonderful and a romantic story ♥

                          I'm happy that everything was amazing, although I always knew it would be

                          He does sound like a true gentleman, and apparently he's willing to be more than friends now...? Or at least it seemed so to me.

                          You will get over the goodbye, it's always horrible and I cry my eyes out everytime but that's how you know you truly love someone ♥


                            Thanks, y'all. It's really great to have support. ^^

                            I don't know how to articulate all the wonderful things that happened. We went to two beaches, a mountain top, a lookout over the entire city where Alex lives, he introduced me to his friends, his family, his coworkers and bosses. Oh! I have a really cute story to tell y'all.

                            So, we went to Staples where Alex used to work and he introduced me to some former coworkers, then we walked outside and ran into another. He introduced me saying, "This is my friend from Texas." She misheard and her eyes got really wide and she said, "What did you say?" He repeated himself and then she laughed and said, "I thought you said, 'She's my princess'." He said, "Well, she's that, too." And then the coworker asked if he was going to visit me and he said he really wanted to so he was going to work hard to get the money and go.

                            Another cute story

                            on Thursday we went back to Edmonton and he called a couple of his friends to come hang out with us because he thought it'd be nice to introduce me to them and he thought that we'd have fun. We went out to dinner and I was, of course, sitting extremely close to Alex and he extremely close to me. His friends ended up asking if we were together. Since he hadn't told me whether he was willing to be official yet or not, I didn't know what to say, so I looked at him, and he looked at me, apparently baffled because he'd never been interrogated by inquisitive girls before (yes, his friends were girls. He didn't invite the boys because he wanted me to feel more comfortable) and they both started squealing and telling us we looked cute together. Alex said that the week was to decide whether or not we wanted to actually be together and they started telling him that he needed to ask me to be his girlfriend, quick, or some other guy was gonna snatch me up. ^^; lol, it was fun.

                            His family loved me and wants me to come back. His guy friends liked me though they were a little bit stand-offish because they weren't sure what to do, but I really had a great time.


                              Gosh... I'm Jealous Marian (in a good way). It sounds like you had a wonderful time with Alex and when you where here in Canada in did snow like you asked it to do.
                              Oh, my Megan wants to hear your first time meeting story too! So we will both most likely will be in Flashchat tonight.
                              "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                              "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                              "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                              Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.

