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Early gifts and such!

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    Early gifts and such!

    I deleted this because I already solved the doubt, I'm sorry.

    As I can't delete the thread, I'll ask what you guys have given to your SOs for birthdays, anniversaries and such
    Bracelets? Special letters? A new wallet? Just a kiss? Nothing?

    Let's post
    Last edited by Sixx; June 7, 2010, 06:13 AM.

    When his birthday rolled around I didn't have much money so I bought a card and drew all over it, the inside, the back, and the envelope. The card was pretty dumb but I thought he'd like it since we're pretty immature sometimes. The front read "In the time it takes you to read this card..." with the inside reading, "...I've thought about you naked 3 times." It wasn't a birthday card, just a generic humor one, but when I was done it looked like I had used that poor thing for scrap doodles. He told me it was the "sweetest yet raunchiest" card he's ever gotten. When I got money a couple weeks later I sent him a plush anatomically correct heart that when you shake it, it beats like a real heart and pulsates. I may or may not do something for our 6 month anniversary but I know I'll do something for the 1 year one.


      I try to be creative when I give Obi things. He's always been a lot better off than me financially, so sometimes it's a bit like "what do you give someone who could provide for themselves anything they wanted?"
      In the past I've given jewlery, tigers eye D&D dice, a hoodie, boxer shorts, a towel folded to look like a cake, made a board game, had art commissioned, written and recorded a short story, an international phone call (in the days before skype) and a bunch of other things that weren't cool enough for me to remember.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I try to be creative when I give Obi things. He's always been a lot better off than me financially, so sometimes it's a bit like "what do you give someone who could provide for themselves anything they wanted?"
        In the past I've given jewlery, tigers eye D&D dice, a hoodie, boxer shorts, a towel folded to look like a cake, made a board game, had art commissioned, written and recorded a short story, an international phone call (in the days before skype) and a bunch of other things that weren't cool enough for me to remember.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I try to get him something he needs. Like around our one year anniversary he had said that he could use another dress shirt and a couple ties for work. So that's what I got him. Not the most romantic gift, but he liked it. If he doesn't particularly need anything and I have no idea what to get him, then I try to find him something funny. Like for Easter, I bought him a mechanical bunny that poops out jelly beans, lol. When we were on the phone that day, he was singing a made-up song about eating the bunny's poop, lol. He's so cute. Anyway...I've also given him books, a dvd, a Sims game for his laptop, cards and candy. I'm sure I've given him other stuff too, but that's the only stuff that comes to mind right now.


            For Christmas for my boyfriend I got a really cool picture of his favorite plane he likes and got it nicely framed. He loved it. And then our anniversary was Dec.29 so I wrote a poem about us and meeting and then after and had it engraved on a glass to put in his room....he got teary eyed when he read it...the best reaction because then I knew he really loved it. I have sent him a new wallet for his birthday and other miscellaneous stuff just because ( no occasion) just a lot of cards with sweet stuff written in them and a kiss. I sent him a hanky ( he uses one) and sprayed my perfume on it because he loves my smell, just so when we aren't together we can still have each others smell. He did the same with one of his shirts and wears it every time we are together to restock "his" smell on it

            I dont know lol I think I'm creative with the things I make for him! I'm sure others think up some pretty interesting gifts

