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Aspergers? Any advice.

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    Aspergers? Any advice.

    Its been a while sense I've been on. Robert and I are doing well. We've sorted out some issues and I still plan to move to be with him, I set him up with a phone so we can talk. And we email on the days we cant use the phone.
    ( its a cheap pay as you go phone. )

    Anyway Just recently, Robert has been recieving the medical care he's been needed for years. He found out he may have Asperger's syndrome. He has a lot of the symptoms and he is going to see about going to a support group for people with aspergers.

    Is anyone else here dating someone with Aspergers ?
    " There is always hope.

    My brother and son both have Aspergers.

    People with Aspergers tend to have trouble relating to everybody around them, sarcasim is lost on an Aspie. My brother said he feels like he's an Alien sent to observe the human race.

    If you start here -> they have resources for adults too.
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      I just found a site called

      It has tons of stuff its a fourm for people with it and for the family members who try to gain better understanding.
      Its helping me a lot and I sent the site to Robert to join and help him out.

      I feel a lot better now that I found a fourm I can use from the schools computers. And I think it'll help him too.

      Maybe they ( your brother and son ) could use the site as well. When I say they have a ton of stuff I mean a TON of stuff, advice, tips, work related topics, ideas all sorts of things.
      " There is always hope.


        Hi! Both my SO and I have Asperger's Syndrome too. Before I met him I went on a lot and they did/do have some nice helpful stuff there.. and actually I met my SO through their dating site There is a lot of information all over the internet on Asperger's Syndrome. It represents itself differently in everyone. Most people with Asperger's syndrome have trouble in social situation and have higher than average anxieties I think. And also extra sensitivity difficulties to other things. I think just try and be as understanding as you can about your partner and remember that he sees the world differently than you.. also it can be very difficult for a person with Asperger's to vocalize their thoughts.. there are so many things going through a person with Asperger's Syndrome's head that it can get confusing. Also it is easy to get overwhelmed when too much is going on.. and usually difficult to follow more than one conversation at a time. If you want to talk about Asperger's Syndrome anytime, you can message me and I'll try to help.. I don't know everything because it affects people differently.. the main thing is to be understanding I think. I'm sure you'll be okay. Take care.


          Originally posted by squeeker View Post
          I think just try and be as understanding as you can about your partner and remember that he sees the world differently than you.. also it can be very difficult for a person with Asperger's to vocalize their thoughts.. there are so many things going through a person with Asperger's Syndrome's head that it can get confusing. Also it is easy to get overwhelmed when too much is going on.. and usually difficult to follow more than one conversation at a time. If you want to talk about Asperger's Syndrome anytime, you can message me and I'll try to help.. I don't know everything because it affects people differently.. the main thing is to be understanding I think. I'm sure you'll be okay. Take care.
          My brother has Asperger's and I agree with this comment completely! I sometimes have hard time understanding what goes through with my brother's head but I try to remember that he just sees the world so differently.. It must be quite challenging to live in a world that sometimes seems to work so bizarrely. Sometimes his behavior makes me upset and frustrated (like he is very sensitive to lights so he always wants to keep the house dark which I know he can't help but it used to drive me nuts when I still lived at home) but I love him very much and I think that he is just great the way he is.. Loving, smart, funny in his own way. I wouldn't change it! It's important not to take his behavior personally though and try to understand. It's good that you have been looking for information and people who are in a similar situation! You can definitely make it work.


            Originally posted by squeeker View Post
            Hi! Both my SO and I have Asperger's Syndrome too. Before I met him I went on a lot and they did/do have some nice helpful stuff there.. and actually I met my SO through their dating site There is a lot of information all over the internet on Asperger's Syndrome. It represents itself differently in everyone. Most people with Asperger's syndrome have trouble in social situation and have higher than average anxieties I think. And also extra sensitivity difficulties to other things. I think just try and be as understanding as you can about your partner and remember that he sees the world differently than you.. also it can be very difficult for a person with Asperger's to vocalize their thoughts.. there are so many things going through a person with Asperger's Syndrome's head that it can get confusing. Also it is easy to get overwhelmed when too much is going on.. and usually difficult to follow more than one conversation at a time. If you want to talk about Asperger's Syndrome anytime, you can message me and I'll try to help.. I don't know everything because it affects people differently.. the main thing is to be understanding I think. I'm sure you'll be okay. Take care.
            My brother as Asperger's and squeeker really hit the nail on the head about it. My brother has a hard time socializing and often normal things like driving or birthday parties can really overwhelm him. I don't know to what degree you SO has it, but it does try your patience. You just have to remember that they see things so differently and its just how their mind works. I often have to start conversations with my brother and if something is wrong, he won't really say it unless if I keep guessing at what it could be and somehow figure it out. To be honest, I don't feel like it gets in the way of the relationship my brother and I have, but its just different than most sibling relationships. I'm sure if you and your SO can talk about it and just work with one another that everything will be fine.
            "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob

