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Things are getting really hard

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    Things are getting really hard

    A few days ago, I had to cancel my trip to Belgium with her due to some visa problems. I put so much effort on it despite that fact that my mom and my SO herself told my that I should not go because of some financial issue. and I also neglected some of my school work. I had to stay up late to do my homework and got only 6,7 hours of sleep (altogether) in the last 2 days. I got really tired and my mind started to think and do things without control. This evening, I talked to her while she was busy with her work and received some very short answers. I thought that she had some problems that she doesn't say and thanks to my tiredness, which made me very unreasonable. I asked her to answer me with more feeling and tell that she's neglecting me without thinking (yes, I was a d*ck at that moment) we fought for a while and she seemed very furious. I came back to my senses after a while I realise what I just did was plain selfishness and stupidity. but she was stressed, she was frustrated and she started to talk about being just friends which made me really scared.I apologised to her countless time for being such a jerk then and for not listening to her before about spending more time on my assignments. but she keeps talking about it. she didn't ask directly but she ask like what if we were just friends? and so on. I feel so bad and guilty for being stubborn and not listening to the advice, which led to my jerk-side like this. I'm also sad for saying such things to her. I swear when I'm normal, I often ask about her work and encourage and offer help etc. I don't know what got into me back then. she's asleep now, hope she feels better after some rest. I really love her and I don't want such stupidity ruin the relationship. I'm scared that she will talk about the same thing or worse tomorrow. what should I say to her now?

    The same things you just said here. Tell her you're scared to lose her over something you did when you were a bit out of it. But the best thing you can do is prove you mean you are sorry by acting differently. From a distance it can be hard, but do her favorite things, send her a sweet email or letter, buy her a little something special. Just let her know you really mean it through your actions. Try to think of her in this time, not yourself. Think about what would make her smile, or feel good about herself. Maybe get a head start on future assignments, or do something else to prevent the same thing from happening in the future.

    You also want to give her time to get past it. Sometimes you know you will be ok, and you'll forgive each other, but you just want to be mad about it a bit. So just let her be mad, and prove you can do better. You might want to apologize again when she wakes up, but then just let her guide the conversation.

    Best of luck!
    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
    LD again: July 24, 2012
    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
    Married: November 1, 2014
    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


      What sewbama said.

      I know how can someone be not himself/herself under pressure or stress.
      Even studying myself, being in a LDR, sometimes I get really angry for no reason.
      Sometimes I get frustrated at my bf when he didn't do anything wrong.

      Most of this being, me missing him.
      And me being frustrated at myself and feeling helpless cuz of the distance.

      So maybe for you guys it's just that.
      LDR is rough and sometimes can mess with our behaviors.
      ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡

