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help I'm confused

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    help I'm confused

    Hi all,

    I have been with my bf for 7months and in the beginning things were fantastic I do most of the travelling due to the type of work my bf does. I do have children and we are planning to move together but my ex has taken me to court due to the children. The thing is I have started to feel like things have changed we don't txt as much and visits seem to be getting further apart. He still tells me he loves me but he writes it 'lv u' he does not tell me he misses me anymore either.
    The thing that is bothering me is that when I asked if it was alright to come over he jus said if you want!!! If I bring up how I feel he tells me that I need to stop worrying so much
    I guess I just want to know if this is normal and has anyone else experienced this? Has my bf just got comfortable in our relationship and feel that he don't need to do all the soppy txting anymore? I love my bf so much and I really don't want things to end but the worry is driving me crazy :'(

    Welcome to LFAD

    Talk to him about it. Seriously, that's the only way anything is going to change. Communication is vital in an LDR.


      Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
      Welcome to LFAD

      Talk to him about it. Seriously, that's the only way anything is going to change. Communication is vital in an LDR.
      I wholeheartedly agree. Communication is key.


        I would also assume that the honeymoon phase is over and he's more comfortable with things. At least I've made this experience with all my ex boyfriends to some extent. The crazy tetxing from the beginning isn't as frequent anymore, which is kind for normal I think. Of course being in a ldr it makes you worried faster.
        Definitely talk to him about how you feel. As the others already said, communication is the key


          Originally posted by Lucy28 View Post
          Hi all,

          I have been with my bf for 7months and in the beginning things were fantastic
          Things are always good in the beginning. Hell, 7 months is still the beginning if you're thinking about a life long commitment.

          Tell him what you're feeling. He can't read minds, and he'll keep doing what he's doing unless he knows you're unhappy. Best wishes.


            He's the one you need to be explaining this to. Good Luck


              thank you for all of you for replying we have had a chat and things seem to be good xxxx


                Glad things are good after talking to him!


                  I'm glad things seem to be sorted

