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Struggles and Happiness all in one.

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    Struggles and Happiness all in one.

    Hello All, Im just here to vent a bit. My SO and I have closed the distance but are still having some hard times. Just recently we had to part ways again for family visiting. He's visiting his family for a month in Florida and Im in Myrtle Beach visiting my Dad and his family. We will be apart until he gets back at the end of july/beginning of august. Its really hard on us after we've been living together for 4 months but it has to be done. We couldn't travel together because of money problems. I can tell that he's upset about being away from me and we recently had an issue that was solved, but is still bothering both of us a bit ( I wont say what it was, because its very personal). I just pray that he will be back soon (he doesnt have a plane ticket yet). I really miss him and being at the beach with everyone makes it even harder because Im trying to communicate with my SO and also spend time with family who I haven't seen in 6 months. But that is all, just wanted to vent a little bit. Thanks for listening!

    Oh i'm really sorry to hear that! I'm sure it must be really hard :/
    I haven't closed the distance so I haven't had this problem. But I would suggest try to enjoy being with your family as much as you can. Also, talk to your SO as often as both of you can. I'm sure you miss each other like crazy but you'll be with him again soon<3 Maybe when you can't talk to him just try to keep yourself really busy.

