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    So Elina has/had been here since last Tuesday and left this morning (we got up at 2:30am and got a lift from my mum to Edinburgh airport for her to fly home - couldnt drive myself, had a car crash, broken hand blah blah)

    Aaaaanyway, to the point. This sucks..
    I thought it would've got easier, the more times we've seen each other to be able to leave each other and deal with it. I guess it'll get better over the next few days once I'm/we're used to being apart again and communicating through a screen again but it's seriously like a part of me has just vanished.. gone..

    I'm just laid on the bed where she slept.. I can smell her.. thinking/knowing she was here, in this exact place only like, 7 hours ago.. ugh.. this sucksucksuckkkkkkks

    This time was by far the hardest and.. I seriously dont cry at anything (not trying to sound all macho or something.. heh), but couldnt even hold back the tears at the airport. Once she'd gone, I had to go to the toilets and cry some more before seeing my mum again >.>

    Just wondering, anyone else experience it getting harder (or easier) to leave their SO, the more times you've met?

    Heart. Aches. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god..

    We'll get through this and be together in the end honey ♥


      When I had to say goodbye to my girlfriend at the airport after spending 5 wonderful weeks with her... it ripped my heart out. Yes, my heart was really hurting. I started crying and just couldn't stop. I also continued crying when I had to get my passport and everything checked, also on the plane. The tears just kept on coming. People kept looking at me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop crying. I've never felt like that before. It was horrible. Now... if I don't think about it too much I'm okay, even though I always miss her like crazy. But when I really start to think about how far we are from each other (Germany - New Zeleand, over 11,000 miles) I get depressed and sad. It also mostly happens at nighttime, when I'm lying in bed and thinking about how she could be lying next to me right now...


        not yet but i most likely will experiance this when Denise has to leave :/ for all the stories ive read im not looking forward to that day


          I'm sorry that you had to say goodbye! And unfortunately the more time you spend with your SO,it gets that much more difficult to say goodbye because you get used to having them around and then have to leave I wish I could say it gets easier with time leaving, but it doesn't. My boyfriend ( soon to be fiance) have flown back and forth 3 times each and still every time it is hard..more so if we spend a lot of weeks together and I know it will be really hard this time that I'm going over because I'm spending a month there! But we all have to stay strong! Good luck and I hope you start to feel better


            Well yeah.. this was our 4th meeting, and only for 8 days. We've been together for 3 weeks before and that was not nearly as hard as today. I thought it would depend on how long we're together too, but it looks like that doesnt make a difference, for us at least


              ugh i know this is going to be me when he has to leave after our first meeting :/
              keep strongg!


                For me personally the more times you visit the harder it gets lol. I feel like I can't cope with the goodbyes anymore, we should be together for good by now. Andy's been here 6 times now and it just gets harder and harder to see him leave everytime cause it feels like this is his home now and he should be here.

                I think it's individual though, some people might get used to the goodbyes and get over it fairly soon but I'm not one of those ppl lol. It literally feels like my heart is ripped out of my chest everytime he goes away


                  i dont think it gets better...i still miss him like fuck and cry every night and he only left 2 weeks ago AND im flying to see him this saturday morning..gosh im such a crybaby

                  i hope you feel better soon! Maybe clean up a bit, thats at least what i do whenever it gets really reaaally helps getting over it a bit, cos his smell will just make sadder..


                    For me it definitely gets harder each time I see him. I always swear that I won't cry, but I always end up bawling like a baby for hours after he's gone.


                      To me it definitely does not get better unless of course we had a fight before I leave or he leaves and we both can't wait to be out of each others sight otherwise it's still as hard as hell to say good bye. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to him on June 30th when I have to leave him after being with him for 2 weeks.

                      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                        Am I the only freak what sees it getting easier xD? It always sucks, and like you I rarely ever cry and can't hold back when it's time to say bye. It's not nearly as hard as it was before though. I guess it's just the feeling that I'll be seeing him again (unless one of us dies :P). I get over it completely in just a day.


                          well, if it gets worse every time then I'll be a horrible mess next time I leave Alex to go back home again. ^^; dang...


                            Originally posted by Erika View Post
                            For me it definitely gets harder each time I see him. I always swear that I won't cry, but I always end up bawling like a baby for hours after he's gone.
                            It is the same for me. I'm always like 'I won't cry I won't cry I won't cry' but the second he hugs me, I can't help it but let the tears roll.
                            He left today, about an hour ago so you can guess I'm crying like a baby right now and probably will for the next few days... pfff..

                            It does get harder each time.

