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Meeting for the first time

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    Meeting for the first time

    I am meeting him for the first time in 50 hours. (I'm not counting or anything ) I am super excited and very nervous. When my flight lands, it's going to be a 2-3 hour drive back to his place from the airport. Not only do we meet, but it feels like a mini road trip we are stuck together on. What do I do if we run out of things to talk about? How do I greet him? We have had a few racy moments online but if I kiss him the moment I see him it's like showing up to a ballgame and you don't get the chance to swing , you are already running to first. Wow, I sound ridiculous. I know that it does sound nuts, but again, how do I greet him? Would it be too soon for a prank? I thought about walking right past him and hugging some random stranger right behind him. It would be good talk material and something to laugh about together.... Any ideas to make this easier? Would anyone share their stories of the first time they met their SO? The good, the bad, the awkward, and ugly. Any pointers or tips.. It's still 2 days away , and my tummy is already in knots.

    Honestly, I would not do the prank. I don't know how long you two have been doing the LDR thing, but just walk up to him, hug him and give him a kiss and go from there. Remember, he will be just as nervous as you.


      Yeah, the prank would definitely not be a good idea. If my SO did that to me, I definitely would feel bad at that moment, and we've known each other for six years.
      When I imagine meeting my SO, I see us hugging at the airport, but not kissing.
      I would like our first real kiss to wait until a bit later, after the nerves and possible awkwardness has died down.
      But I'm happy you get to meet your SO finally! Hope you have a good visit~
      “I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.”


        I agree with Snowlilly and Lissa, you shouldn't do the prank because for a start you don't know how he'll respond to it and, personally, I wouldn't do it especially as it's the first time you've met your SO.
        When I first met my SO at the airport, I knew him before but then we didn't start a relationship until we were LD, I was a bag of nerves because I was never really good with meeting people, especially people who I had crushes on/liked/fancied. I was so nervous that while I was waiting for him it felt like my legs had turned to stone! - I'd also asked my mum half-way to the airport if we could turn back and not go because I was so nervous! But it was all good when he walked through arrivals because even though I was shaking with nerves and felt like I couldn't walk, I walked up to him and said 'Hi!' and then there was a milisecond pause of awkwardness and then he said 'Hug?' and then it was fine I was still nervous on the journey back home - we live a long way from the airport so had to drive for 4 hours, and it was a little awkward for the first few hours, but after that it was fine
        I hope that helped a bit Good luck! Relax and enjoy every minute of it, especially if the chances are you might not be able to see each other for a while Plus, the first visit is the one you'll remember most
        No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


          aww i bet your super excitied, when i met Paul, i was really nervous but when he walking out and i saw him we hugged and kissed, i asked him how he was and how his flight had been? We found lots of things to talk about, just relax and enjoy it as you will only do it once good luck and have fun xxx


            I kinda did that to my SO on accident the first time we met, he looked so different from the pictures that I couldn't really tell it was him and for the longest time I thought I was following this poor stranger! We joke about it now but at the time it was horrible, so not a good idea. Just look for his cues, go in for a hug and if it looks like he wants to kiss and you're up for it follow his lead, if not just give him a peck on the cheek.

            As for the car ride, you don't need to fill every bit of silence with conversation sometimes that just makes it more awkward, if things drift off turn on the radio quietly for some noise, look out the window and make a comment on the scenery, touch his hand if he leaves one on the armrest. Or you could talk about conversations you've had through out the relationship, ask him what the plans are for the visit. Trust me after a few short awkward moments it'll be like you're talking with an old friend.

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              If you think you know each other quite well, and have talked a fair amount. Then you wont have anything to worry about.

              When you have around 3 hours or so untill you meet, you will be nervous. Very nervous. But just try your best to relax, when you meet this person, I'm betting after a few moments, everything will just become totally surreal, and will become a moment you will want to re-live over and over again.

              Enjoy it, your nerves will fade away without you ever realising.

              Oh and for 'what should you do'
              You will know, you can't plan it. It will turn out good I'm sure.


                When I met my SO we hugged and kissed like crazy in the airport. I guess it depends on how comfortable you feel with him. I'm guessing you haven't known each other very long judging by your relationship beginning date so just do whatever comes naturally. You'll be nervous but that's ok. It's overwhelming but once you meet everything will fall into place

                Met online: 1/30/11
                Met in person: 5/30/12
                Second visit: 9/12/12
                Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                  When I first met my SO I waited until I got to the hotel before meeting. I had a very long and tiring flight and it was easier for him. No pranks though. I could never do that to my SO.


                    You guys have made this sooooo much easier. At heart, I am a planner and I like to have control of every situation, but from the sounds of it, the unexpected moments are going to be the most cherished memories. Liss, SnowLilly, enemy96, and notyourexgirlfriend, you will all be happy to know I am taking your advice. No pranks. Dezface, I am inspired, that by this time tomorrow, I will have a cute profile picture up of Sam and I , the way you do. (By the way, he is quite the handsome gent. Good Job. : ) ) Thank you all for your advice and words of wisdom and encouragement. I feel like I just sat and the best coffee date with a group of folks that get it. I can't wait to update you all tomorrow. Until then, I really need to get packing, because my flight leaves in 6 hours!

                    Thanks Guys!

