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Do you know anyone else in person who's in a LDR

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    Do you know anyone else in person who's in a LDR

    *I hope I put this in the right place*

    I got to thinking about this question the other day because I thought I was the only person I knew in person that was in an LDR. Well I was talking to my mom about how she misses my dad and wishes he was home and it hit me my mom and dad are also in a Long Distance Relationship. To me it's neat because I have two people who understand what it's like to be away from the person you love and also know how important it is to see them regularly to get the relationship to work.

    So do any of you know someone else whether it be a friend, co worker or family member who is also in a LDR?

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

    My parents were in an LDR, actually, back in the late 80s. My mom met my dad (who lived in Colorado) through his sister who was a coworker of hers. They dated 6 months apart, she moved up there and after a year married. Two years later they moved back to Louisiana with baby me in tow. They divorced when I was 6. My best friend, for as long as I've known her, has always had LDRs. Her last one, two years ago, ended horribly. My ex best friend is in one with two people, making it a 3-way relationship. It's actually why I stopped being her friend because the people are the creepiest, most useless people on earth. The guy won't get a job, the girl works at walmart, and they bum off relatives and other friends for homes. A friend's mother from a church I used to attend kept going through them. She'd meet them online, months later move out to marry them, then they'd divorce her and she an her daughter would have to move back here with no money left.

    I've never seen good experiences with LDRs from those around me, which was why for YEARS I protested against them not as "omg this is wrong" but because from what I'd seen they never seemed to lead anywhere good. But, here I am, and now I'm standing up for the true ones!


      I know several who are or have been LD. My cousin met her husband online. They were living where he is from for awhile but are now moving to her home city. One of my best friends has been in a LDR for a very long time. Since we are both in the same program, we know it will be awhile before we can be with our SO's. It is definitely nice to know people who have experienced LDR's. Those who haven't really have no clue how to relate!


        Yes, actually. Actually, most of my close friends were in LDRs when I met them and I didn't realize it until one day when I talked about my relationship. Though most have broken up with their LDR boyfriends/girlfriends, my best guy friend is still in one. I feel comfortable talking to and hanging out with him, cause he knows where I'm coming from. It's nice knowing someone who's in the same position as you are.


          one of my friends from college is with a guy in the national guard and he's currently deployed and I've become friends with the gfs of some of my SOs friends and they are all LD too.


            one of my good friends was with someone from holland, but they broke up last year ):


              My co-worker's boyfriend is currently in Virginia due to a family emergency and she's here in California. Other than that, I don't know anyone else in an LDR.


                Actually, I'm kind of in a group of friends in long distance relationships :P. Well, I was XP. Only me and one other person are still in ours xD. Well, actually my friend is now living with her boyfriend :P. Lucky bastard D:<! Anyway, despite us being the ones who have dated the least and began dating the latest in our group, we're the only ones who know how to actually maintain a relationship xD. All the others have had 20+ relationships. One has had over 50 @_@. Thankfully they haven't slept with all of them. I wonder if they'll ever notice that the same shit they're doing with every relationship will never work!


                  my sister happens to be in a LDR, with a guy she met online. this is her 2nd relationship that has been LDR, as well as meeting online. my aunt's husband has been gone for about 3 weeks out of every month all this year, so i guess that counts as a LDR. they are perfect for each other, and have 6 kids together (3adopted) my cousins have been in them, and one cousin is about to be in one (her husband is going into the army). one of my friends has been in one with her boyfriend (he is in the navy) and she has now moved to washington to be with him.

                  i've seen LDRs work. i know they work, and i believe in them. i love my boyfriend more than anything, and it's really nice to have people around who know what it's like to miss their SO's.
                  [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                    My ex boyfriend is now in a LDR with his new boyfriend. Also, a friend online is in a LDR that started just after Rane and I got together, also in WoW.

