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Update on my CD

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    Update on my CD

    As you guys know my SO has been here for 2 weeks now and it's been a somewhat very trying time for us . The very first few days were ahhhhhmazing but by the end of the first week we've almost come to the brink of ending our relationship. We're slowly working out our problems but there are some residual trust issues that we need to work on and also spending more time together so we can be sure we want to carry on the relationship in the long term.

    My fears about the feelings of his family were unfounded and they have accepted our relationship wholeheartedly, which is at least good. School is also messing with our time together but my family has been helping to devise ways in which we can see each other.

    All in all we're working it through and hopefully by the time he leaves our love and union will be stronger.

    When he leaves again it will be for between 10 and 12 months so we need to get this right or forget about it.
    Last edited by Filly; July 2, 2012, 01:38 PM. Reason: forgot to add

    Best of luck to you guys! I haven't read many of your posts, but from this one it seems like both of you guys really have a good head on your shoulders. That's awesome you have the family support too. Enjoy your CD time together!


      I hope you can work through your issues. Give yourself some time too. I feel like you always have high expectations when you go to visit and then it's disappointing when the other person cannot live up to them. And sometimes it also takes a little time to get used to each other
      Good luck!

