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LDR/Birthday/Summer Fun/In SCHOOL for the SUMMER?????

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    LDR/Birthday/Summer Fun/In SCHOOL for the SUMMER?????

    So I am in school for the summer...I know, who does that? It sucks. I am away from home and the weather is way nicer at home, everyones going to pool parties, beaches, bars, birthday parties...and here I am in school for the summer in a place there its dry, no fun lol On top of that, my birthday is Tuesday and I have to study for an exam on Wed. NO FUN...I want to go out and celebrate but do not know how...student=poor.
    Also, I am extremely jealous that my boyfriend gets to enjoy summer by going camping, and going to pool parties and beaches without me. When he mentions he's doing something fun, I can't help but feel like a sad kid. Do any of you experience this feeling and how does it affect your relationship? I feel like my sadness may make him feel bad sometimes, which isn't my intention at all. I want to learn how to not let it bother me. I go home to my loves of life in 43 days so it's not that much longer till I get to be at home and have fun with everyone! It's just so saddening when I am studying my life away and everyone else gets to enjoy the weather and summer. Maybe I just need to be a little more positive...I am done my degree in 43 days. I have experienced something no body else has and I have grown so much.


    Education is important to me, so I've always put that first, and I've taken a few summer classes before so I know how it is to feel like everyone is living life and you're stuck behind a book. Whenever I started feeling like this I would try to focus on how important what I'm doing is, and how much better it's going to make my life because of the decision to get a degree. It still sucks to miss out on a lot of the fun, but it helps to remember that it's worth it. It also might help to re-evalute your time management. Maybe you need to cut back a bit on studies (if it won't affect your grades) and have some down time. It's important to balance both studies and free time.

    As far as how your sadness affects your SO, no matter what you do you're emotions affect him. When you're with someone there's a certain closeness that tips the other person off to how you're feeling. But I would just explain it to him. Say that you don't mean to make him feel bad and that you're happy that he's enjoying himself, but you're just feeling a bit homesick and wish you could be there. If he starts saying that he won't go out and do things, tell him that that's not what you want and that you'll be there to have fun with him soon.

    I hope anything I've said helps. Good luck.
    First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


      I agree with 5000miles. Summer terms are difficult, but what is to prevent you from going to a pool on-campus, taking a walk, borrowing an amusing book or DVD from the library, or finding a new hobby? There are things that cost little to no money which will help distract you from the school work. I know part of what you miss is having company, but I guarantee you that finding time for yourself where you can do things that you like will make you a more interesting person and missing fun in the sun with the usual friends won't be so bad. ...and just because you have classes and need to study, why must you be trapped doing that the entire day? Yay for you! Only 43 more days to go. In the scheme of your life, that isn't long. I'm sorry about your birthday. Perhaps, you can find some friends at school to do something with for a belated party? There's no law that says it has to be right on your birthday...and most people are usually more game to go out on the weekend, anyway. Maybe this is crazy, but you could do like an oceany-themed birthday at school. Surely a place so dry would have a campus pool that you can all head to. Then, you could head to a seafood restaurant or Mediterranean restaurant (lunch usually=less expensive than dinner, which is often appealing to students). You could also have a belated e-birthday conference with your SO could even petition for a belated birthday/ graduation party for when you get home.

      That said, of course I have experienced that stuff and am experiencing it right now. Rather broke right now and away from my friends, so I feel kind of left out or sad when I hear that my SO is going to something fun and metropolitan with his friends. I think that it does affect our relationship sometimes--it's bound to make you feel rather sad, etc. which...if one's SO is worth their salt at all, they will pick up on eventually. That's why I really like the ideas for long-distance dates, because it gives couples the chance for bonding time over activities even if they are far apart. It's really hard to remember sometimes (especially since most of us would consider trading something precious to us for an extended period of time with our SOs), but CD couples are often helped by some time apart with separate activities or interests and can become fractious when they spend every waking moment together. Hey! The above is good advice to myself, too!

