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Never been so mad in my life.

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    Never been so mad in my life.

    He told me yesterday that he cheated on me. He cheated on me. He fucking cheating on me!! He met this girl a little over a month ago, someone he had this "instant bond" with like he had with me when we first met. He kept hanging out with her 'cause she was friends with people in his group (that's how they met, was through them). Before he knew it, he had feelings for her. Now it's all making sense. Him making us take a break so he can "figure himself out" and "figure out what he wants." He put me through that agony so he could figure out if he truly liked this girl?? And he found out he did!! If he thought he might be developing feelings for this girl, he should've cut off contact with her 'cause that meant she was a threat to our relationship!!

    After EVERYTHING I've done for him, all the money my family & I spent to come see him, the past year (longer actually) that I've spent with him, all the work and effort I put into this relationship, dealing with him pushing me away and growing distant from me, putting up with feeling like he didn't love me as much as before, and dealing with that fucking break...ALL OF THAT, I did for HIM. And this is how he fucking repays me??!! All the CRAP he gave me about going out with my male friends (only friends I have are guys, I don't like hanging out with girls for personal reasons), practically accusing me of cheating on him with them (he'd been cheated on twice before me), and he was out doing that very thing!! I cut out my social life for him, meaning I didn't see my guy friends anymore for him 'cause it made him uncomfortable, yet he was out pursuing feelings for someone else!! God I've never wanted to slap someone so much in my life. I just don't even know what to think right now. I'm still in shock. Outraged. Confused. Hurt. Angry. Sad. Depressed. Did I mention ANGRY.

    The weird thing is, I had a feeling I knew what he was about to tell me...I had my suspicions for a couple weeks, but I didn't let myself believe it. Part of the reason why I didn't walk away and dump him right then was 'cause since I had a feeling for a couple weeks that he was cheating on me, I prepared myself for it. I was too scared to say anything about it, especially when I didn't have any proof and he's so defensive that it doesn't take a whole lot for us to have an argument. But I had a feeling...and what do you know, I was right. But I had prepared myself.

    I didn't know how to react...out of the 2 of us, he was the one crying. I've cried since, but not much. I'm just too angry right now. I didn't know what to do or how to handle this situation, but I've made my decision (which may or may not change in the future, but it's my decision for now): I'm not gonna leave him. I have my reasons, but a break-up just didn't feel like the right thing to do, to me personally. It may be how most people would react, but not me. I feel like a break-up would just hurt us both even more than we already are. That's just me. Y'all may think I'm crazy and stupid for staying with someone who's hurt me this bad, but I'm doing what I think I should do. If staying with him ends up being a mistake, I'll find out for myself. But for right now, I'm doing what I think is best...and that's not walking away because one of us made a matter how big that mistake was. Now if he does it again, then yes I'm gone. And I made sure he knows it. He's cutting of contact with her, spending more time with me, and he took her off Facebook. 'Til I say otherwise, she's not in his life.

    I could tell by looking in his eyes that he did not mean to hurt me...that he's truly sorry...but I can't trust him right now. I can't even say I fully trust that he'll stay away from her, but I'm giving him ONE more chance. One. He blows it, I'm gone. Simply put.

    I've also been trying to look at the most positive aspect of things lately, to help my depression. And one thing did help me feel a little better, and also helped me stay: it never got physical (as far as I know). It was an emotional affair. It's still an affair nonetheless, I know; but I am glad it didn't go beyond that. That would've made it hurt a lot more.
    Last edited by staystrong12; July 7, 2012, 10:34 AM. Reason: forgot to add this

    I really have no advice .... you know what is best for you .... Good luck & hopefully he can earn back your trust.


      For what it's worth, I think your decision shows a lot of courage and strength. I don't think you're crazy or stupid at all; in your position I would have done the same thing because I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I hope you and your SO you can recover from this as a couple, and if you're both willing to put in the effort necessary I'm sure you can! We all make mistakes from time to time but what matters is that we can learn from them - based on what you've described of your SO's actions, perhaps there are a few emotional issues between you which need resolving. For now just wait for the storm of your feelings to subside, then turn to working together on building a stronger relationship than you had before. Very best of luck (and my PM box is always open if you need to talk)


        I'm sorry her hurt you like that, I dont have objections to you staying with him, you know whats best for you.
        The problem you guys will have now is rebuilding the trust. I wish you luck
        " There is always hope.


          I understand your decision completely. But I'm sorry you had to make it. I've been through something kind of similar if you want to vent or need advice feel free to PM.
          ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
          The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



            I know how you feel. This happened to me and I made the same decision. Feel free to message me if you need to talk, especially about being concerned about rebuilding trust. <3


              Ugh. Cheating is deplorable and I went through that with an x so I am so sorry to hear this. I know it is hard but for the love of god, DON'T dwell on it. You've gotta tell yourself it only happened because she happened to be around, now she isn't so you've got to make him realize all over again why he loves you in the first place. Just keep being the wonderful you that he fell in love with. Don't keep bringing it up in conversations because it will end up being bad and he will get tired of hearing it from you because he knowwws he messed up. I think it says a lot for how much he loves you since he actually came out and told you and yeah, it is going to be really hard to trust him for awhile but you've got to let him earn it back. If you really love each other you'll work through it. If you need any advice or just wanna vent about it, I'm totally cool with being an outlet for you. Everything will be okay -hugs-


                Everyone has to make their own decisions, but just keep your eyes open. For your own sake. I spent 8 years with a cheater. We met when I was 17, got married at 20, and had been through a lot. I knew he was cheating but never allowed myself to do anything about it. I convinced myself of all sorts of reasons to stay, including that it would just hurt us both if I left. I know that one well. And now here I am, in the middle of a divorce. I completely understand where you're coming from but just don't turn a blind eye to it. Best of luck.

                Met online: 1/30/11
                Met in person: 5/30/12
                Second visit: 9/12/12
                Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                  Good on you for doing what's right for you. Lots of couples can come out stronger after hurts like these (in time of course). We're here to support you.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    Best of luck to you. I'm glad you made the decision you feel is best for you, even if you are aware of the risks. That takes courage and I admire you for that. Again, best of luck!


                      I know how that feels.... I'm sorry to hear it happened.
                      I think you are really courageous to keep goin, rly you are.
                      I would never be able to,so I admire that of you.
                      And I do sincerely hope that all will go well from now on for you.

                      ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                        I agree with Softy, that would be an instant deal breaker for me. I could not even try to repair that and get beyond that. You guys are braver than I.


                          Thanks for the replies, guys. But y'all should read my thread "Update..."

