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    Webcams, they're pretty essential in a LDR since it's just about the next best thing to actually being in the room with them.

    What brand/kind of webcam do you use? I'm in the market for a new one for the both of us and I'm curious to see what ones you think are best just for these uses, since that's all I use mine for. His would need a built in mic, mine just needs to be cam, I have the gamer headphone/mic thing.

    And just to tag on general discussion for the sake of curiousity:

    When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?

    How often do you and your SO get on webcam?

    Any funny stories from them?

    Answering my own questions, lol....

    When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous? St. Patrick's Day. I remember wearing a whole bunch of green and he'd worn a red shirt. We call them 'tea parties' though since we tend to drink tea and nibble on snacks the whole time. The first time we were on camera for 7 hours though we had to talk on the phone since his mic didn't work and eventually just resorted to typing when his phone died. I was super nervous and didn't look at the screen most of the time. Ended up staring at the wall.

    How often do you and your SO get on webcam? Not very often since his off days are few and far between. Our last one was last Tuesday but it only lasted an hour because he drank tea that makes you tired since it was all he had. I wish we could do it more often even though I get super self conscious about how my room looks since I'm not super tidy. I would say 2 times a month, if that.

    Any funny stories from them? He's made his ugly couch talk to me before. The first time we were on webcam I had hit my ceiling fan with a yard stick, I fell out my chair and he got to hear me scream, I chewed on a tea bag until it broke in my mouth and screamed more because it tasted like dirt, and I made random faces at the camera when I thought he wasn't looking. He's also beaten the camera with certain parts of himself. *cough* The second time he kept jokingly telling me to take my shirt off so I'd go off camera, take my shirt off, throw it at my chair, and come back in another. Drove him NUTS.

    I use an Macally icecam 2.0
    Can't really say it's supergood but it serves it's purposes

    When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
    8th of August.
    I wasn't really nervous but she of course found it pretty awkward at start

    How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
    As often as possible. Since i'm unemployed atm i try to customize my days to fit her to optimize cam time

    Any funny stories from them?
    Hmm can't come up with any funny stories really.
    But this one time when we were camming she looked out the window and jumped up and i could see her surprised/terrified face and then she rushed out without telling me what have happened.
    So i had to sit there and just wait feeling my anxiety increasing until she came back and told me there were an carcrash just outside her house and a car flipped over.


      Logitech cams are cheap and are not bad, mine costed about 25 dollars and looks good. For the most part the quality you get is more depended on connection speed then the camera itself.


        When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous? Hmm that was sometime in December, little bit but i was just excited to see her on there

        How often do you and your SO get on webcam? not so often because her laptop makes the webcam freeze up often and then makes her laptop shut off so we dont do it often, i wish we could though

        Any funny stories from them?lol well a few times she used it at the moment she's living with her parents(will soon change) and her dad woke up and walked by the webcam and he was shirtless, just to see her attempt not to laugh was funny, and i was like "i really didnt want to get to know your dad THAT well lol"


          i use a logitech web cam, my bf doesn't have one.we have never been on cam together. I have turned mine on a couple of times for him to see me and he loves it. I bought him one for valentines day, but he hasn't gotten it yet..long story...i want to do this so bad, but at the same time, i think if we do, it will make me miss him that much more.


            haha, this is a good topic.

            When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
            Well, we first webcam chatted in May of '09. Maybe...the 14th? or was it the 20th? I dunno, it all runs together for me back then. But, yeah, I was nervous. I was SO nervous. It was crazy, but it was fun. We were both in our rooms and we waited until our families had gone to sleep. we started the webcam at 11 my time, 10 his, and around 5 in the morning (my time) he goes, "Well, hun, I have class tomorrow so I might better get off..." And we said goodnight... he said after he turned off the webcam he was like, "All right, time to get a good night's rest!" and then the sun came up, lol. So the next night he said we could video again but that we couldn't stay up so late. We didn't. Only till 3. *devious grin*

            How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
            Well, when we first started we did it every night, every single night. Now we do it once or twice a week. I want to do it more because I'm lovesick right now. ; ^ ;

            Any funny stories from them?
            lol, yes. I'm petrified of cock roaches. I mean, not just, "oh, they're gross, I don't want to touch it," scared, they are really the only thing that will make me scream out of fear. I won't touch them, I run from them, if they touch any part of my body I have to go wash it with really hot water or I will freak out the rest of the day/night. So we were talking about that and he was like, "I really don't understand that at all, I mean, it's just a beetle!" and then he started talking about them. Now, I freak out just talking about them, looking at a picture of them, I will freak out and I get that creepy crawly feeling of bugs all over my body. So he started talking more about them and I freaked out and I was in my pajamas and he was messing with me and saying something like, "Oooo, there's one in your bed!" and I shrieked and jumped up, out of my bed, and out of my clothes. My pajama pants and tank top were in a pile on the bed on cam. I was naked off cam. He started laughing so hard and I sheepishly got back on bed and he goes, "Did you just jump out of your clothes?" and I nodded and he said, "That takes TALENT!" lol


              O_o Are we seriously the only freaks that do not need to webcam? We never have, and most likely never will. It's just, I don't know. Besides the fact that we don't own webcams, it's eh! I don't wanna! D: Fortunately neither does he :P. Dammit, we like our very lazy relationship that relies on phone calls and text messaging! D:< And since he got internet access back, occasional IMing :P.


                lol, yeah, but you guys have more visits than some of us. ^^;


                  folclor: Oh my god I laughed at that story. That does indeed take talent. XD

                  Darth_Taco you two are indeed freaks. Do it right. XD [/lame joke] JOIN THE REST OF US. PEER PRESSURE.

                  Logitech's a nice brand. I may look into their cams. I feel like a goober because I keep sending him things. Might as well mail myself!


                    My guy and I use webcams sometimes, I have a philips and my guy has the Microsoft lifecam 5001 (it has a built in mic).

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      I love using webcam! At first I was a bit shy, but now I want to use it as often as possible. Whenever we use it... it just makes her seem so much closer. Which helps me a little bit, considering the fact that she lives on the other side of the world. We both have laptops, so we use the ones which were build in there. Before that I had a Logitech one, our headsets are also from that brand.


                        Nolan and I both have Logitech webcams. The exact same ones, as a matter of fact (i sent him one so i could see him!) They work pretty good, and I love them. We both have different mics though, but still Logitech.

                        When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
                        Well, I used mine before he got his, so he could see me. I was a bit nervous then, but I loved it. It was sometime in March, I believe. But, the first time we both got on camera was May 4th We didn't use mics then, because I didn't have one. But it was amazing. I was so excited that I could finally see him!! I loved it. We use webcam AND mic now, which is awesome! it's the closest thing to being together (and skype is amazing).

                        How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
                        We get on about once a week, or more. Lately, we haven't been on much because he is getting ready for graduation, and just finished senior year. FINALLY! We got on webcam in the morning yesterday, and I loved that. Seeing him right when I woke up was amazing, and cute. I'm hoping we can get on webcam a lot this week, after his graduation. He's going off to work at a boyscout camp next week but we'll still be able to get on webcam on saturdays, which will be awesome

                        Any funny stories from them?
                        He usually tries to make me laugh when we talk. He will sit there and make funny faces and noises, trying to make me laugh (it always works). There was one day, where he was making funny faces, and his mom asked him what he was doing. He told her he was trying to make me laugh, and she just laughed at him. He goes "well, it's working!" it was rather funny. I always see his parents walk by in the background, or they'll pop in and say hi every once in a while. One time, I could see his dad eating dinner in the background, haha. They're just always running around in the back and waving and saying hi. I love it The conversations get pretty funny when we are really tired too. I'll start falling asleep or something, and he'll try to wake me up. I don't know what I'm saying when I get tired, and things just kind of come out. It's pretty funny!!!
                        [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                          Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
                          O_o Are we seriously the only freaks that do not need to webcam? We never have, and most likely never will. It's just, I don't know. Besides the fact that we don't own webcams, it's eh! I don't wanna! D: Fortunately neither does he :P. Dammit, we like our very lazy relationship that relies on phone calls and text messaging! D:< And since he got internet access back, occasional IMing :P.
                          whats wrong with you two get with the program lol :P


                            When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
                            I was the first one to use webcam a few days after we started talking, I was so nervous but I wanted to prove him that I was real! A few days later when he got the chance, he got on cam too.
                            And it wasn't until we saw the first meeting date coming up that we started to use cam at the same time

                            How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
                            Every night

                            Any funny stories from them?
                            The first time I got on cam with him, I was using Skype for the first time, and he had to tell me where to click to make it work, when I told him I'd turn it off for a bit I realized I didn't know how to do that (I'm dumb) so I got even more nervous and had this kind of face: and he started laughing as if he wouldn't tell me so he could keep seeing me!! but he told me how to turn it off anyway


                              I use the Logitech made for Mac, it's a pretty pricey webcam considering it just has a built in mic and does nothing else. My SO has an HP one, it was a little less expensive but he's able to do some fun thing with it. For example sometimes we'll connect on skype and instead of his face he'll make it so there's a snow man or that his head is in an astronaut's helmet, he can make it so he looks like he's upside down. I'm pretty sure he can even take still images with it and record things, all of which I can not do with mine.

                              When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
                              We already knew each other in person so we weren't nervous. Both of us were really excited, he was in WA for six weeks when we first tried them out, I couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

                              How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
                              We try to get on about once a week because seeing each other's faces definitely makes the distance easier, although sometimes if it's been a while since we've seen each other in person I do get teary eyed when we're signing off for the night.

                              Any funny stories from them?
                              When he was training in Missouri he had a friend who lived across the hall and one night the friend knocked on his door because he heard two people talking and thought my SO had me visiting and just didn't say anything. When my SO answered the door he minimized the screen with me on it, but I could still see what was going on in his apartment. His friend was looking all over the place thinking he made me hide, finally the friend came over to the computer and my SO was like you really don't need to touch my computer. His friend opened my window and started talking to me, then he said to my SO that no wonder he hadn't had me come visit yet because I'm so pretty all the other guys would try to talk to me and he would have to make sure I was locked up while he was he at's not too funny telling it, but when it happened it was pretty funny.

                              My little brother loves my SO and always wants to talk to him on the webcam, last night he happened to be wearing his little set of PT gear that my SO bought him so my little brother had to show my SO how he does his exercises like an Army man.

