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Just think of the way he makes you feel.

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    Just think of the way he makes you feel.

    Hey yall,
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now, and two of those years we actually were able to spend every single day together. My man is 22 years old, a firefighter and a National Guardsman. I am about to be 19, a college student and aspiring Special Education teacher. Here's the kicker, he still lives in Georgia, my family moved to Minnesota, and I go to school in Nebraska. I always hear couples complaining about not being able to drive home on the weekend to go see their significant other, and I just smile and nod my head, thinking, "I would give anything to be able to make a 4 hour drive to see my boyfriend." Its hurts my heart a little to think about how much longer we will have to be apart. I know people look at us and think, oh jeeze, just another young couple in "love" who will only end in heartbreak. But I have never thought of my relationship as anything but lifelong, in fact, I knew within the first hour of meeting him that I wanted to marry this guy. He lights up my entire world, always has and always will. People talk about "losing the spark" and they always ask me how we make it through. The best advice that I can give to couples is to remember the way he makes you feel. He and I will sit talking for hours about the night we met, about the day he asked me out with a Chickfila Chicken Biscuit and a check yes or no note, or about the embarrassing first kiss and I love you. All of those things put the biggest smile on my face. I am so lucky to have the relationship that I do. Now, dont get me wrong, we have definitely had our problems and have come close to calling it quits but if I ever lost him, I would be losing my best friend, and the most amazing guy I have ever met. Distance has never been, nor will ever be fun. However, if the love is true and the two people within the relationship are strong, there is no doubt in my mind that it will just work. I can honestly say that my relationship has never been better, and we have been apart for over a year now. Communication is key, and we update each other on everything that we possibly can. I am aware that this is not for everyone, and some people think I am completely crazy for wanting to be on the phone with my boyfriend at all times, but it works for us and that is really what matters. You just have to find your niche within the relationship and go with it. He is about to head off for the National Guard, and this is something that will be new and uncharted territory to us. We have been lucky enough to be able to see one another every four to five months, and now we could be gone longer with little communication back to me. However, I know in my heart that this too shall pass. There is no one else I would rather spend my life with, and that, to me, is completely and totally worth it. They say getting married in your twenties is like leaving the party at 10, but when you know forever is evident, you want forever to start as soon as possible. I love my boyfriend, he loves me, and it just works like that. I wish any other couples in a long distance relationship all the best of luck, because I too know how hard it is. Just keep in mind all that you love about each other, that there is always a silver lining and that love conquers all.

    I think that was a lovely post and I wish you both all the very best. I have an aunt and uncle who married at 17 and they are in their 70s now and every bit as much in love. Yes a lot of times young love doesn't make it but sometimes it does !!!. I hope your forever is everything you want it to be.


      Originally posted by KatieLynn View Post
      They say getting married in your twenties is like leaving the party at 10, but when you know forever is evident, you want forever to start as soon as possible.
      ^^This was rather eloquent and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! What an absolutely lovely thought!


        I agree with dglynn77. Very nicely put. Best of luck for your future


          what a lovely post it lightens my heart just reading it, thank you for sharing

