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Not sure

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    Not sure

    Me and my boyfriend met online, and are both new to the long distance thing.
    But we're trying it....because we want both want this.
    but lately...well I'm just worried he hasn't texted me back, we haven't actually talked on the phone or IM for a good week. where as we would normally talk whenever possible.
    but its only a few texts here and there....and I'm the one texting him first.
    he told me we're fine...and that he's just going through some depression....
    and I just don't know what to do...
    any suggestions?
    I've been trying to give him space and time to get better...
    I'm just worried about him...and well I miss him a ton.


    Does he have a history of depression or is he just sad over certain events? I have clinical depression and the best thing you can do is basically just say repeatedly you're there for them. My boyfriend says it to me when I'm unhappy and when he is I remind him I'm only a text or call away, even if he doesn't take me up on the offer. You can't force them to say what's wrong and constantly saying "are you ok?" can get tedious. What I do when I know I won't be able to talk to my boyfriend for days at a time is I text him a random thought, quote, or whatever I know will cheer him up and let him know I'm still here without giving off the feeling that I'm begging for attention.

    It's seriously hard when you don't really know what's going on in their life and you've literally got nothing but their word to go on, especially if they seem distant or unhappy. But, it also gives YOU time to gather yourself and do your best to help them so that they're better and learn they can count on you even if you're some insane amount of miles away.

    Also welcome to the community!


      Not that I know of. Since we've been dating he's just been so happy.
      other than that I have been sending him the usual Good Morning texts, and that I miss him a ton.
      I'm trying to give him some space, it just bums me out...because I'm missing him like crazy.


        Could his depression be school or work related?


          He's on summer break now. So that shouldn't be bothering him.
          he doesnt really talk about work. cause he works at Sears. not a very hard job.
          I'm just not sure. I don't think its a family thing...because his family last time we talked was asking him whats wrong.
          but when we talked about it...he just said it was him...something wrong with him. that he feels awful.


            I'm really sorry to hear that. It would drive me nuts if my SO wouldn't tell me what's wrong. I think I would just keep asking. That might be annoying, but it's very understandable that you're worried about him and want to try to make him feel better.


              I'm really hoping i get a phone call tomorrow night. its been a week. its like withdrawal for me.
              i was contemplating calling him tonight...but he hasn't answer my texts all day...which havent been many....but still.
              so I have no idea if he'd answer...


                Hm, it is really hard to know what to do. Every person is different. Some might like a caring text message, a letter, a phone call... stuff like that. But maybe he doesn't. Since you don't even know why he's feeling like that.


                  I think you should just let him know that you are there for him and try and send uplifting texts that you know will make him smile and remind him that you are there for him and that he can always confide in you about any problems in which you and him are having.

                  Also I know being new to long distance can be hard we have all been there at some stage however if you know it is all worth it then keep going as you won't regret it. Also I would put together a nice Email for him to read at the moment if you feel you aren't talking enough because that way he knows how you feel about him and is something that may be somewhat new. Good luck with it all and I hope you manage to get back to somewhat normality.


                    Yeah, that sounds good.
                    I'm going to call him tonight. if i dont get an answer....I'll leave a voicemail.
                    but if that doesnt work. I'll definitely send him an email.
                    And thanks....I pray that everything goes back to normal.
                    He's probably the best thing thats walked into my life right now. even though we live so far apart.

