Well, It's different for me because I LOVEEE video games, and I love COD lol. But, there are some games my SO plays that I hate and get bored with. But, I feel like when you guys finally close the distance and get married and everything, you can't always be together 24/7 and doing the same thing because then that just starts problems and he's going to want guy time so he should be doing what he wants to do during that time, which is (in his case) playing COD on xbox. I'm pretty sure he's not going to ignore you all the time, I'm pretty sure that if you guys are in love and getting married, he's not just going to sit on his butt all day and play video games. With my fiance, I give him time to play what he wants to play and then later we hang out and do whatever we want to do together. So I feel like he should be allowed to have an xbox for his free time, and just make sure that it's clear when you want to spend time with him. You guys are always going to have your own likes, but you can do things seperately too (:
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Can't believe I'm even contemplating this...