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SO pondering quitting his job

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    SO pondering quitting his job

    Hello again, LFAD! I'd like some more advice from you if you'd be so kind!

    My SO was working as a pizza delivery guy for awhile and his hours were very flexible, but money wasn't so great. So about 2 months ago, he got a job as a manager. Now, he works 50+hr weeks. It has only been 2 months, but he is quite tired of working so much. He gets paid more, but not nearly enough for how many hours he works. Essentially he is overworked and underpaid. He'd like more time for friends, hobbies, college, and of course for me. If he were to step down, he may or may not be able to get his delivery job back, which he does admit to enjoying. I really miss him and worry, so I really do hope for him to get his old job back. He's such a free spirit and this job really depresses him.

    So obviously, we both want him to step down from his job as a manager. Another problem is, he is scared of disappointing the place he works for. Everyone tells him how happy they are that he works there and how things have improved so much since he started. He really wants to step down, but he can't find the confidence. I've been trying my best to help him gain it, but I just don't know what I could possibly say.

    He's only 22, he shouldn't be working over 50hrs a week. They even call him in to watch stores on his days off some times. Some nights he doesn't leave until 1am and he'll have to wake up at 7am the next day. Plus, it's nearly an hour away from where he lives. He wants to start college and have a career, not just a job. It would give him a lot more time for visits between the two of us as well. I wish he never took the manager job in the first place! It's only caused issues for him, myself, his family, and his friends.

    As for his living situation, he moved to a nicer (more expensive) apartment with his two roommates. So, he obviously has to be able to keep up with those bills. He was really hoping he could get some grants or something as a full time student at college while working part time. However, he has trouble finding the time or energy to go to the college. I keep trying to encourage him to just go, but he's also scared he will "fail" the accuplacer and have to take remedial classes. Or that they'll give him crappy grants or something for not having a high school degree.

    I don't know, LFAD. What can I possibly say or do to help him?

    Has he applied to any schools? (Or is he already a student?) If he goes to school, chances are his work would be willing to let him be a delivery guy again. If he says he just doesn't want to be a manager, they may not be too thrilled. The best advice I can say is he needs to talk to his manager about it.

    As for too many hours... I'm 24. I'm working 55-60 hour weeks. Every week. At 22 I was working 55+ hour weeks at my summer job (Mon-Sat). So, speaking from experience, working 50 hours a week is not unreasonable. Not fun, I admit that. If they call him on his days off, and he goes in, does he get paid overtime? (Does he get paid overtime at all?)

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      There is already a school he has applied to. He enrolled last semester, but he did not take any classes since he felt he did not have the money for it. His plan was to save up until the 2012 fall semester and then pay out of pocket, going one class at a time. Now, he'd like to be a full time student with a part time job. I don't know how difficult that is to afford since I'm only a college student who still lives with her parents (therefore I have little to no bills). He certainly wants his old job back though. He is pretty good friends with his old boss, but there's still no 100% guarantee that he can get the job back.

      There is no being paid overtime since he is on a salary payment.


        The majority of my friends had part-time jobs through college. Some professors don't care at all that you're paying your own way through college, and some bosses don't care that you're going to classes. But, for the most part, a lot of professors are just glad that you're showing up to class. (&even happier that you're taking their class!)

        As for paying out-of-pocket to be a full time student.. has he considered finding any scholarships? I know this is not what you want to hear, but loans are good for this kind of thing. He can get one for his first semester/year and save up what he can and start paying them off as soon as possible. The cost of tuition greatly varies by school. If it's a community college, chances are it will be less expensive than a larger university. But again, look for scholarships. Even ones that are only $500-that's still $500 towards his education.

        He shouldn't be going in (all the time) on his days off. Now, I admit that once in a while-especially if he likes his job-to go in and help out when he's asked. But he DOES need to take time for himself/family/friends/you.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          Originally posted by HeartInTexas View Post

          He's only 22, he shouldn't be working over 50hrs a week.
          I don't really agree with this. 50 hours a week is a solid workweek, but it really isn't way out of the average. I work fifty hours a week and I really don't see what the big deal is... I'm busy, but it isn't too much and I make pretty decent money. He needs to support himself and save money, and the only way to do that is to work. However, if this job is truly underpaying him for the hours he puts in, I would understand him wanting to find something else. I would HIGHLY discourage him from quitting without another job to go to.


            Has he considered looking for something else beside working for the same company? I'd advice him to find something else and have that lined up first before quitting his current position. 50 hours a week sounds typical for management position, but if he isn't enjoyin what he's doing then it really isn't worth it.

            A lot of people work part-time and attend college at the same time. Did he applied for finanical aid? That might lighten his payment up a bit because he may be eligible for government assistance.


              Has your SO considered a job that would maybe compliment his studies? I understand he's a free spirit but everyone needs a bit of relevant work experience! Maybe being a delivery guy isn't the best option is there anything else out there that would benefit him?


                Has he told his manager that he plans to study? Surely that is enough of a reason to get a cut-back in hours? If his management won't budge on the 50 hours, if he wants to study or otherwise then maybe he should seek other employment.

