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So little time :(

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    So little time :(

    Okay, so my boyfriend is going on an exchange program to Brazil for a year. He's not allowed to go visit home and we MIGHT see each other if I get to visit him aroud January/February, but that's it. He's leaving on on August 9th but I'm going on vacationon July 27th and won't be back until then. He's visiting family right now and should be back in a couple of days.
    So, we have about a week together left.
    I just don't know what to do with myself, I cry every I think about it. I know it's his dream and I'm happy it's coming true, but at the same time I wish he wouldn't go. Please tell me how to deal with this, now and after he leaves, I've never been it this kind of situation and I don't know what to expect at all. We're best friends, but what if I stop needing to talk to him because we won't be able to do it so much? What if it just makes me feel worse and adds to the depression and issues with trust and abandonment? What if we talk but feel lonely anyway? We're at the point where our relationship is getting better and better, what changes when we have to suddenly split?
    Please brief me on this, I need advice from more experienced people than me

    Will you be able to communicate with each other? Will he have computer/internet access? Will he have a phone with texting ability?
    Even though you will not have the physical contact, communication will be the key to keeping the relationship going. Will it be hard? Hell yes, none of us will sugar coat that fact. it sucks. But it is doable.
    You will learn new things about each other because your communication methods will be different than what you are accustomed to. if he will have computer/internet access, make sure you both have a web cam, and install skype. That way you could atleast see each other. If you cant skype, there are other ways to message each other. And of course there is always snail mail.
    There will be a time difference issue that you will have to figure out and work around, but that is easy enough.
    You will need to find things to keep yourself busy. A new hobby, hanging out with family and friends, exercising (you can be in great shape when you go visit him). Remember that he is going to be going thru the ssame emotions, only he will be in a strange countrym learning a new routine and he will be busy. So dont get mad if he doesnt have the time, especially at first, to talk to youlike you would like.
    Most importantly, dont give up.
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


      Thats right. I am agree with subeasley..that process you can communicate with him.thats why you dont feel lonely,.. <
      NoThInG iS ImPoSsiBlE..


        I understand. 6 months after we started dating, I left for China for 2 years. We were only CD for the 1 month right before I left.
        Due to finances, my SO will only be able to visit MAYBE once... China tickets are EXPENSIVE!
        Anyways, enough about that.
        Communication is definitely the key! We have a 12 hour time difference, we both work jobs, and we struggle to find the time to talk, but we MAKE the time to talk. Something that helps us is that I bought a local phone number on Skype, and then I have it set up to transfer to my Chinese phone number if my SO calls my local Skype number and I am not on the internet. If your SO buys an unlimited world subscription through Skype, and also a local Skype number that he can use to transfer calls to the phone he has there, this may help you greatly. Idk if I explained it well here, but if you have any questions let me know.

        For the week that you do have together, don't focus on the fact that this is your last week or you will not enjoy it as much. Instead, try to think of all the things you will think of during the year and think "I wish we could do this", and then do as much of that as possible during that last week.

        I am rambling so I will stop... but best of luck! Enjoy the week you have together!!!
        Feel free to message me if you need anything!

